

5th AU-EU summit : Brahim Ghali leads the Polisario delegation

Temps de lecture: 1'

Brahim Ghali arrived this morning in Abidjan to attend the 5th African Union- European Union summit due to take place on the 29th and 30th of November, reports SPS news agency. The Ivorian government has coldly received the Front’s «Secretary-General».

Only the Ivorian Minister of Tourism, Toure Mamadou and the Minister of Civil Services was there to welcome Ghali his delegation expected to take part to the international meeting.

It is the first time that a Polisario delegation attends an African Union-European Union summit. The four previous editions were organized under the Africa-EU framework.

Brahim Ghali’s delegation was invited by the Chairman of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, to attend the meeting in Abidjan.

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