

Morocco’s ambassador to Lebanon comments on the two nations’ diplomatic relations

Morocco's ambassador to Lebanon in a radio station interview Monday./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

For Morocco’s ambassador to Lebanon, «there is a cloud on the horizon when thinking of Beirut and Rabat». «But this does not affect relations between the two brotherly countries», he added during an interview aired on a Lebanese radio station on Monday.

«We know the Lebanese state and its official positions», said the diplomat, adding that Beirut «does not recognize the separatist entity and supports the UN body in finding a political solution for the problem».

«We discussed ways to develop economic ties with Lebanon and work on projects that we have not explored yet», he said.

The diplomat was hinting to the recent crisis between Morocco and Iran. In May the 1st, Rabat decided to cut diplomatic relations with Tehran, citing Lebanese political party Hezbollah.

Morocco accused the country of using Hezbollah to provide assistance for the Polisario Front.

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