

Italy : A Moroccan national expelled for terrorist threats

Temps de lecture: 1'

A 37-year-old Moroccan national who lives in San Colombano al Lambro, a municipality near Milan, was expelled for terrorist threats, according to the Italian newspaper Affairitaliani. The decree was signed by the Italian Interior Minister, Marco Minniti.

The man is described as a follower of the terrorist organization «Islamic State» (Daesh). He lived with his brother, his sister-in-law, and their three children who ran butchery. As for him, he owned a small construction company.

The Milan police department, which suspended the renewal of his residence permit following several cases of theft and drug trafficking, was watching him very closely.

On his Facebook and Instagram accounts, he had expressed his willingness to join the terrorist organization. He wanted to imitate terrorists and planned to attack France.

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