

The Polisario is preoccupied with the Minurso withdrawal from Guerguerate

The Polisario front is concerned about the Minurso’s withdrawal from the Guerguerate area. A message that was transmitted by M’hamed Khadad to Kim Bolduc, Head of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara.

Guerguerate buffer zone./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

The Minurso’s withdrawal from the Guerguerate area, because of terrorist threats, preoccupies the Polisario’s leaders. The Sahrawi coordinator with the UN mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, M’Hamed Khadad, and referring to the arrest of a Sahrawi member by the Moroccan authorities, sent on the 3rd of June «a formal protest» to Kim Bolduc insisting that the presence of the Minurso in the Guergurate buffer is «necessary» in order to ensure the application of Resolution 2351 adopted by the UN Security Council on the 28th of April. 

«Spending more than one month after the release of the UN Security Council resolution without noticing the presence of the Minurso members in Guerguerate buffer zone», indicates the separatist movement’s news agency. This is wrong as the 6th Team Site has been operational for a month. Moreover in its famous confidential document, the head of the Polisario has even welcomed the installation of the 6th Team Site.

The Royal Armed Forces escorted the withdrawal of peacekeepers from Guerguerate

To the great displeasure of the Polisario, «members of the Minurso installed in the zone, did indeed leave under the escort of the Royal Armed Forces until Aousserd, outside the security wal», confirmed a source from the Sahara to Yabiladi.

On the other hand, the terror threats that targeted the Minurso, were taken seriously by the mission’s leaders. «The soldiers disappeared from the streets and cafés of Laayoune and Dakhla», adds the same source. With this withdrawal, things will get back to the status quo of the 11th of August 2016.

For the record, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, had made considerable efforts to convince Morocco and then the Polisario to withdraw their armed elements from Guerguerate in exchange for the deployment of members of the Minurso.

However, a question should be raised about it: who will profit from this withdrawal ? Is it a new force that is trying to land on the Great Sahara ?

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