

Sahara : Russia wants MINURSO operation to be «effective»

Temps de lecture: 1'

The Russian Foreign Ministry has published the statement of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov following his meeting with his Moroccan counterpart Nasser Bourita, on the sidelines of the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum, held December 20 in Marrakech.

«It is important to ensure the necessary conditions for the effective operation of the UN mission on Western Sahara, which plays an important stabilizing role in the region», commented Lavrov on the Sahara conflict.

On October 16, during his appearance before the Security Council, MINURSO head Alexander Ivanko referred to obstacles to peacekeepers movements. «Restrictions by Frente POLISARIO on freedom of movement continued to prevent MINURSO from maintaining a safe and reliable logistics, maintenance and resupply chain to its team sites east of the berm», he argued.

In his statement, Lavrov said he had «touched upon the Western Sahara settlement process», adding that «Russia is interested in progress in this area». «Our approaches remain unchanged, balanced and unbiased. We support making expeditious progress towards a sustainable and long-term settlement based on the relevant UN Security Council resolutions», he added. 

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