

Guterres urges the parties attending the Geneva round table to engage in good faith

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres «welcomes the decision of Morocco, the Frente Polisario, Algeria and Mauritania to accept the invitation of his Personal Envoy, Horst Köhler, to participate in an initial roundtable meeting in Geneva on 5 and 6 December», said Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesman for Guterres, in a press briefing held Tuesday.

Guterres «reiterates his steadfast support to his Personal Envoy and his efforts to relaunch the negotiation process in line with Security Council resolution 2440 of 31 October 2018», said Haq.

The UN Secretary General urged «all to engage in good faith, without preconditions and in a constructive spirit in the discussions».

The UN wants the Geneva «round table» to relaunch the talks process between the parties involved, after they were suspended for more than six years. The last meeting that brought the two parties together took place in Manhasset (New York) in March 2012. The latter was part of «informal meetings» initiated by Christopher Ross.

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