

Migration : Spanish defense minister urges EU to grant Morocco aids

Spanish Minister of Defense Margarita Robles./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

After the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez urged the European Commission in a letter to help Morocco manage its borders to stop the growing number of migrant arrivals, his Minister of Defense Margarita Robles followed his footsteps.

«Morocco is facing an important migration flow (…) The Spanish government believes that the North African country is in the need of EU aids» said the minister in an interview. The senior official is expected Thursday in Paris to discuss the issue with her French counterparts.

Sanchez’ cabinet is also convinced that the efforts made by Rabat help reduce the number of migrants trying to reach Europe through land and sea.

Responding to Sanchez’ letter to the European Commission, its president Jean-Claude Juncker said that the EU is unable to help Morocco manage its borders, citing the political and economic union’s limited funds, reports El Pais on Wednesday.

«I share the same sense of urgency», stressed the Luxembourgish politician in a letter sent to the Spanish newly elected head of government. He explained that European Union’s financial means are too «limited», currently, to back the Kingdom in its fight against illegal migration.

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