

Moroccan knife attacker given a life sentence in Finland

Temps de lecture: 1'

Abderrahman Bouanane, a Moroccan asylum seeker who killed two people and injured 8 others in a stabbing attack on August the 18th, 2017, in Finland was given a life sentence, says Associated Press on Friday.

The man was convicted of two terror-related murders and eight attempted murders by the southern Finland district court.

He was influenced by hatred and the heavy bombardments by the Western alliance in the Syria, reports the same source.

The 22-year-old Moroccan arrived in Finland in 2016 and was «radicalized shortly before the attack», says defense lawyer Kaarle Gummerus. On the other hand, prosecutor Hannu Koistinen indicated that Bouanane wanted to «spread fear among citizens».

Before being convicted Bouanane told the court that he was «in war against women» when he attacked women in central Turku.

For the record, a life sentence in the Nordic country ranges between 12 and 20 years in prison.

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