

African Development Bank : a major contributor to Morocco's water sector

Temps de lecture: 1'

African Development Bank (AfDB), the supranational development finance institution headquartered in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, has contributed to the financing of Morocco’s water sector by securing installation and providing drinking water to residents of several cities in the Kingdom, Business Standard reports.

The AfDB has financed a set of programs that «improved the water supply and distribution systems in 30 Moroccan cities (more than 2/3 of the country's population)», the same source indicates.

According to a report released by the MAP news agency on Wednesday 17th May, in 1990 only 14 per cent of the Moroccan rural areas had access to drinking water which improved over the years now reaching 94 percent.

The African financial institution has spent EUR 300 million on the implementation of several major projects in Morocco that work on boosting the «quality and quantity of drinking water supply on the Rabat-Casablanca axis for about five million people».

These projects will also provide «the supply of drinking water for two million people in Marrakech, Al Haouz and Al Kelaa zones and improve water quality at the Bouregreg system and the performance of existing drinking water systems», the same source states.

The bank is teaming with the Moroccan government to establish and accompany the construction of other big projects in the Kingdom.

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