

Ceuta has reportedly proposed to test stranded Moroccans to speed up their repatriation

Morocco repatriated last weekend a group of Moroccans stranded in Melilla. / Ph. El Faro De Ceuta
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Ceuta’s local government has reportedly proposed to the authorities in Tetouan to test Moroccans stranded in the city before repatriation. The tests would identify those who have the coronavirus.

According to Ceuta Actualidad, the Spanish and Moroccan authorities have been in contact since Friday regarding the repatriation of stranded Moroccans. «Morocco has not yet decided when to start the repatriation of its nationals stranded in Ceuta because of the closure of border», the same source added.

The same source indicates that the operation was stopped before it started after the authorities of the autonomous city would have asked Rabat to repatriate unaccompanied minors and irregular migrants.

For the record, Morocco repatriated during the weekend a group of Moroccans stranded in Mellila. They are currently quarantined in a resort in Saidia.

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