

To Saudis, Saad Lamjarred is a persona non grata in Riyadh

Moroccan singer Saad Lamjarred. / DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

Moroccan pop singer Saad Lamjarred is a persona non grata in Saudi Arabia. Saudis took to Twitter to denounce the participation of Lamjarred in a music festival, announced by Saudi Arabia’s Chairman of General Authority for Entertainment Turki Al Sheikh.

Al Sheikh posted on Twitter the festival’s poster that included a photo of the Moroccan singer. However, his tweet was not well received by his Saudi followers who said that they are opposed to the idea, citing Lamjarred’s rape allegations.

«We don’t want him here», wrote a Twitter user. «Miami, Miryem Fares and Moghtassib (rapist), they all rhryme», wrote another Twitter user.

The comments on Saad Lamjarred’s Saudi Arabia concert were followed by a trending hashtag saying «We don’t want Saad Lamjarred in Riyadh», wrote CNN Arabic.  

On November 22, Saad Lamjarred announced on his Instagram account that he is going back to touring after a long rupture. Three years ago, he was accused of raping a French woman. Similar allegations followed him two years later in Saint-Tropez.

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