

King Mohammed VI launches in Rabat building works of new police headquarters

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King Mohammed VI launches building works of a new police headquarters. / Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

King Mohammed VI launched, on Wednesday in Ryad neighborhood in Rabat, the building works of the new headquarters of the national police (DGSN).

Worth 2 billion dirhams, the new headquarters is in line with the royal speech to the Nation on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the Sovereign's accession to the Throne of his glorious ancestors (July 30, 2016) in which the Monarch called on the government to provide the police institution with all human and financial resources necessary to help it conduct its mission properly.

To be constructed over 20 hectares, the facility will meet Moroccan architectural standards and will be a modern and integrated administrative complex housing all police directorates and central services, in addition to a conference room that sits 1,200 people.

The headquarters will be built within 5 years and will include a police museum (related to the history of this body), a center for archives, a center for sports, a center for identity data and national card printing, a center to accommodate reserve forces, a computer center and a car park for 1,500 vehicles.

Upon his arrival at the project's site, King Mohammed VI reviewed a royal guard detachment that was paying the honors, and was greeted by the Minister Delegate for the Interior, the Director-General of national police and territory surveillance, the Wali of the Rabat-Sale-Kenitra region, the President of the Rabat Municipal Council, the Vice-President of the Regional Council, the representatives of local authority, police executives as well as the project architect.

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