

Moroccan authorities reject the conclusions of Human Rights Watch's 2019 report

Temps de lecture: 1'

The Moroccan authorities have expressed their total rejection of the political positions and erroneous allegations and conclusions in the section on Morocco of the 2019 Human Rights Watch (HRW) report on the status of human rights around the world.

These political positions and erroneous allegations and conclusions will receive a detailed response in the weeks to come, said the Inter-ministerial Delegation for Human Rights (DIDH) in a statement on Thursday.

The Moroccan authorities have stressed, after reading the section on Morocco, that this report confirms that HRW continues to adopt an approach that lacks objectivity and professionalism, based on general, selective and unilateral estimations and conclusions, that would distance it from the spirit of cooperation and positive and constructive dialogue with the various actors concerned by the promotion of human rights in the Kingdom, said the same source, adding that the negative positions expressed in the 2019 report reflect the HRW's predefined orientations.

The report lacks precision, credibility and realism, which require investigations, reliable sources and useful cross-check methods. This document recalls some cases without naming them, specifying their number or the place where they have occurred, and is just giving predefined generalizations, the DIDH said.

The facts and conclusions contained in the 2019 HRW report are far from reality, said the DIDH, asserting that these allegations are not confirmed and exaggerated, and even contradictory to previous documents by the Organization, and based on unilateral testimonies without compelling evidence, the same source added.

The Moroccan authorities consider that the introduction in this report of an isolated case concerning illegal immigration, claiming that the authorities have conducted a large campaign against thousands of migrants, is an additional and clear indicator of the adoption of an erroneous and selective approach in this report.

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