

The Netherlands refuses to extradite Said Chaou

Former Moroccan MP Said Chaou./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

The Dutch Supreme Court announced on Tuesday, October the 30th, that it is not extraditing Said Chaou, reports Dutch online newspaper BNDeStem.

Chaou, who is accused of heading a criminal network, and getting involved in international drug trafficking, will not be handed over to the Moroccan authorities which requested its extradition.

The Dutch Supreme Court ruled that Chaou «might not benefit from a fair trial» in the Kingdom, indicating that his co-defendants were «tortured and treated in an inhuman manner that they had to say things that were used as evidence against» him.

For the record, Said Chaou was arrested by the Dutch authorities on June the 29th, 2017 following a request submitted by Morocco.

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