

London : Finsbury park attack’s assailant heard in court

Finsbury park attack’s assailant heard in court./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

Darren Osborne, the 47-year-old man who drove a van on the 19th of June 2017 in front of a mosque in Finsbury Park, killing one and injuring 11 others has been heard in court, reports the BBC.

A native of Cardiff, a port city on the south coast of Wales, Darren Osborne, is charged of «terrorism-related murder and attempted murder». The attack occurred just a few weeks after three others in London and Manchester. In total, 35 people lost their lives

According to his partner, quoted by the prosecutor, Darren Osborne was «obsessed with Muslims» since the day he watched a BBC TV drama, «Three Girls». Based on a true story, it narrates the story of young women sexually assaulted by British Muslims of Pakistani origin, in the suburbs of Manchester.

A description supported by the prosecution who, during the indictment of Darren Osborne, had described a person «animated by extreme political views and a personal hatred of Muslims». According to the same source the man wanted to «kill, wound and terrify as many Muslims as possible».

A handwritten note had also been found in the van, which bore his fingerprints. «Terrorists are on our streets and walking through London despite three recent attacks,» he wrote.

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