

Morocco and Malawi to strengthen bilateral cooperation in agricuture

Morocco and Malawi strengthen bilateral cooperation./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

Secretary of state for Rural Development, Water and Forests Hamou Ouhelli held, Monday, talks with Malawian minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Emmanuel Fabiano, on means to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of agriculture.

Ouhelli told MAP said that this meeting, which is part of South-South cooperation in accordance with the African vision of King Mohammed VI, was an opportunity to examine ways to promote bilateral cooperation in the field of agriculture, adding that at the end of talks, the two countries will sign two agreements.

This cooperation is made up of aid to farmers, particularly through the implementation of drip irrigation systems on agricultural lands in Malawi, he said.

It is also about training Malawi's farmers in order to strengthen the organizational capacity of professionals in structured legal forms such as cooperatives and associations, said Ouheli, noting that the structuring of the profession is imperative for the development of the sector in this country.

For his part, Fabiano stressed the need to cooperate with Morocco in the field of agriculture, given the Kingdom's achievements in this area, especially in irrigation, noting that in addition to rainfed agriculture, Malawi is seeking to develop irrigation systems, particularly the technique of drip irrigation.

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