

Hirak : Morocco rejects Human Rights watch report on security measures

Temps de lecture: 1'

The Moroccan government has rejected the findings of a report conducted by Human Rights Watch, an American-founded international NGO, on security crackdown on Rif protests, Middle East Monitor reports.

The inter-Ministerial Delegation for Human Rights replied to allegations saying that  : «Human Rights Watch (HRW) report on the events of Al Hoceima, published on 5 September, contains unfounded allegations and errors concerning the management and treatment by the public authorities of demonstrations…»

The Ministry also explained in a statement that the methodology used by the NGO for its report «lacks professionalism».

Previously, HRW urged King Mohammed VI earlier this month  to «press for effective investigations into allegations that Morocco’s police forces tortured people suspected of participating in the 2017’Hirak’s protests in the Rif region».

The organization stressed upon the sovereign’s speech, delivered in the 30th of July to commemorate the Throne day, saying that «King Mohammed VI affirmed during the Throne Festival that Moroccan’s have the right, and even the duty, to be proud of their security apparatus».

Human Rights Watch insists that «according to doctors’ reports … several detainees say that the police compelled them to sign their interrogation minutes without reading them».

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