

Parliament : MPs unanimously approved 17 international conventions

Temps de lecture: 1'

The House of Representatives unanimously approved 17 international bilateral and multilateral conventions with Arab countries, Africa and China.

Regionally, MPs approved four conventions linked to the Arab Free Trade Area (AFTA), which is related to the Agadir Agreement (May 2011). Launched by King Mohammed VI, this agreement aims at creating a free trade zone between Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan, said on Wednesday the delegate minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mounia Boucetta.

The first convention is a mutual recognition agreement with member states whereas the second one is a mutual administrative cooperation. The third convention is a Memorandum of understanding that will guarantee the exchange of information between member states, and the fourth agreement is an additional protocol to the AFTA agreement.

The Chamber also approved the agreement establishing the Advisory Center of the World Trade Organization (WTO) laws.

The bilateral conventions will help avoid double taxation and tax evasion between the Moroccan and Bahraini government. Bilateral conventions between the Kingdom and China were also approved.

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