

Article 8-bis finally deleted from the 2017 Financial Law

Article 8-bis of the 2017 Finance Law deleted./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

The controversial article 8-bis of the 2017 draft finance law was finally deleted at a meeting held on the 29th of May by the Finance Committee of the House of Councilors, Media 24 reports.

Members of the committee voted unanimously against the implementation of the article. People have reacted negatively to this article which states that the funds and property of the State and local authorities could in no case be subject of seizure.

In other words, people to whom the State is indebted cannot get their money back fully even if the court pronounced a ruling in their favor. «in the case of a final court ruling (…) the depth of the state or the territorial communities shall be discharged within a 60-day period limit beginning from the date of the notification of the aforementioned ruling within the limits of the budget assigned to these establishments».

For the record, the article was rejected by the Parliament in 2015, after being introduced by a majority amendment in the House of Representatives. The 2017 draft Finance Law still needs to go through another step which is to pass the second lower chamber of the parliament

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