

The African Union Commission welcomes the UN security Council Resolution on Sahara

The African Union Commission welcomes the decision taken on Friday by the UN Security Council./ Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

The African Union Commission welcomed the decision taken on Friday by the UN Security Council. The unanimous adoption that extends the mandate of the United Nations Mission to the Referundum in Western Sahara until the 30th of April 2018.

In a communiqué issued by the Commission on Sunday in Addis Ababa, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat expressed his satisfaction regarding the UN step. He also saluted the «the constructive spirit» that the Council has shown towards the Sahara conflict.

The AU chairperson also gave his support and backing for «the UN Secretary-General’s determination to relaunch the negotiating process with the aim of reaching a durable solution to the conflict», as the press release reports.

For the record, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted on Friday 28th of April a new resolution (2351) on the Sahara extending by that the mandate of the United Nations Mission for a referendum until the 30th of April 2018. The 15-member council «called on the parties to fully respect military agreements reached with MINURSO on the ceasefire and calls for full adherence to those accords».

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