

The UN Secretary-General wants to arrange talks on the Sahara conflict

Antonio Guterres Un secretary-general./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

The UN Secretary-General ,Antonio Guterres, called for initiating talks between Morocco and the Polisario front in the report presented for review to the Security Council on Monday. «I intend to propose that the negotiating process be relaunched with a new dynamic and a new spirit», said Guterres as reported by Reuters.

The UN report stressed on the need of bringing the two parts together and tries to find a solution for the ongoing conflicts. «For progress to be made, the negotiations must be open to both parties’ proposals and ideas», said Guterres.

The UN Secretary General did not hide his disappointment over the separatist movement’s decision. After Morocco removed in February its troops from the Guerguerat buffer strip, Guterres urged the Front to «fully and unconditionally» leave the area.

«Algeria and Mauritania, as neighboring countries, can and should make important contributions to this process», said Guterres trying to urge the Morocco and the polisarion front to hold talks.

For the record, Antonio Guterres is the 9th Secretary General of the United Nations. His report is expected to support a resolution extending the mandate of the UN mission for the referendum in Western Sahara. It is also a briefing for the UN Security Council about the situation in the region.

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