Hi everyone, LeMask, those guys don't trut you either....don't worry....... Let's get our people enough food to eat....decent home to live in and education for evryone....then....we can ...Suite
[] Re: A legal outrage
16 février 2007 à 19:54
is that really an outrage???!!! once should know why those countries ( I mean Africans) accept deals like this?!!!….mostly because they need the money for weapons in order to kill each others in ...Suite
NEWS CENTRAL/S. ASIA ..... Those who accuse Musharraf of trying to introduce Western secular values into the country, staged demonstrations across Pakistan to protest against the ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan Christians
16 février 2007 à 19:06
Hi Chelhman, if only we had some advanced thinking people like her...we wan't be on the buttom of the list like now!!!.....too sad for us really......and may be too late as ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan Christians
16 février 2007 à 18:43
Hi everyone, the big joke is that most people claiming Christianity is the wrong religion are enjoying life in the Christian countries?!…..Who said that the clash is not between religious nor ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan banks
29 janvier 2007 à 21:59
Hi, I used to deal with Wafa Banque...when I had problems with theim I changed to la Banque populaire and I'm not happy either....they charge me a lot for every singe transaction....are not ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan Christians
29 janvier 2007 à 21:25
Hi veryone, Sometimes you quoted Chelhman that´s all. Once again slow down before replying and read carefully. You are a real "Tartar". You can not just try to throw words and ...Suite
[] Re: it's crazy!!
26 décembre 2006 à 01:33
Hi all salam alaykum all Ilham2 Believe me I don t compare my belief with anyone. You are the one who keeps asking whoever applying religion in their life to leave ...Suite
[] Re: A tragedy with Miss Universe...
21 décembre 2006 à 12:10
Hi, Here's a controversy that dwarfs the Iraq war, Iran nuclear ambitions and the Palestinian issue. A tragedy that almost destroyed a girl's life ...Suite
[] Re: it's crazy!!
21 décembre 2006 à 01:05
Hi all salam alaykum all to taboudrarte just to mentioned something in this forum any try to praise islam is taken as arrogance, ignorance and stupidity and your comments are ...Suite
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Date de naissance:
12 févr. 1982
Date d'enregistrement:
15 avril 2005 19:39
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