[] Re: Proverbs..
7 mai 2005 à 06:32
Hi all, >>>>Do not want others to know what you have done? Better not have done it anyways. >>>>It is better to begin in the evening than not at all. >>>>Every tear has a smile behind ...Suite
salam everyone, in your words l9bi7 there is some truth....particularly for some of our compatriots living in the western countries I realised they don’t like to talk Arabic with their ...Suite
[] Re: Imagine...
6 mai 2005 à 09:16
Hi all, DeadRose, it’s so ideal to be real what did you imagine.... but imagine we’re living in a matrix world, so everything in our life will be a kind of immagination anyway:D ...Suite
raw_daw > oui je ne le cache pas .. j'ai beaucoup d'admiration pour les nations > developpees (pas que l' suis un grand passionné de la chine et du > Japon aussi !!).. > et je ...Suite
[] Re: Young people's life in Morocco
22 avril 2005 à 19:02
salam everybody, The problem is that most persons who are lucky to get high education in Morocco do studies that are not suitable for the job market. People are studying for instance Physics ...Suite
[] Re: Visiting Morocco
20 avril 2005 à 19:45
Dear calendula, thank you very much for the name of 'chiba' in English....I'll tray to find ...Suite
Hi everybody, I think it’s the time to give English an important place in our education. French is useful only in Morocco, for Moroccan students in France or in some of the few French ...Suite
Hi, mdrrrr cali and DeadRose.... cali, I'm just talking about the language.....nothing else :D Calendula, the CD-roms for learning languages is not bad idea...thank you...I'll ...Suite
[] Re: Visiting Morocco
20 avril 2005 à 18:32
Hi everybody, Yes it's true you can't find 'chiba' in summer in Morocco...or if you find it it's not good....I usually go to Morocco in summer time so I can never buy it's so pity :( ...Suite
Hi, muenchen, the best way to learn English is to have an English native speaker girl friend practice everyday.....just kidding..... ...Suite
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12 févr. 1982
Date d'enregistrement:
15 avril 2005 19:39
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