[] Re: Rabat Zoo
31 mai 2007 à 12:17
Hi all, Minniemouse? i lived in Morroco since... forever, and i'm in france to study... it will be 3years this summer... ...i dont care if the french spend time in a café or in ...Suite
[] Re: A mandate to revive France
25 mai 2007 à 12:26
Hi all, Ilham : i'm sorry i've got no solution to solve this problem , maybe wegotta start by showing the bright side of our civilization, we've been marred for a couple of ...Suite
[] Re: A mandate to revive France
17 mai 2007 à 01:49
Ilham : Most the nationalities you mentioned have or share the same beliefs and stuff, Arabs are different as long as they believe Jesus is not a god or son of God but a prophet like ...Suite
[] Re: A mandate to revive France
17 mai 2007 à 01:12
Hi everyone, LeMask , very low level of discussion you are delivering… comment because it doesn’t make any sense…… once you learn to respect the discussant and will be able to ...Suite
[] Re: A mandate to revive France
15 mai 2007 à 02:13
Hi all, Shireen, I’ve lived in many European and no European countries include France …I’ve studied , worked and meet people from different nationalities , origins and religions ...Suite
[] Re: A mandate to revive France
13 mai 2007 à 02:35
Dear Krim , this time it seems that French people got really sick of ignorant and uncivilized immigrants who mostly live in the country and get advantages of all social rights but they want to ...Suite
[] Re: Esclavage sexuel
13 mai 2007 à 02:06
Hi all, the only possible solution in my opinion is to improve the country so we can have educated people who would be able to educate our girls…I don’t see any other option for this really ...Suite
[] Re: The Doha debates
12 avril 2007 à 11:41
Hi everyone, Chelhman, first of all thanks for the you really believe on the fact that Arab women should have "full" equality with men? that a joke !!!...look at the most ...Suite
Hello, Dear Krim, thanks for your reminder....I neede it....I had something to say to this guy so I did....otherwise it's just wasting time.... as for teir dogs.....I can only agree...indead ...Suite
Hi, everybody, Ilhem2? i think that it's preferable to die like a dog than to live like a dog... i'm sorry, but i dont think we are so miserable. we have problems indeed. but the ...Suite
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12 févr. 1982
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