Hi everyone, mdlazreg was, in my opinion, right. Where do we draw the line? If 2 men or women should have the right to marry then 1 man and 2 women should have that same right. And let me tell you ...Suite
[Général] Re: faire le canada?
29 mai 2004 à 04:29
Morocool, Come on... Haven't you read what I wrote? the problems you are talking about are the same everywhere? Are you telling me that all Moroccans go to school? or even know how to write ...Suite
[Général] Re: faire le canada?
29 mai 2004 à 03:11
Hi Moroccool It's great that you have statistics about how many moroccans made it to university, or even how many moroccans are in Canada. Thank you for the information, but next time if you can ...Suite
[Général] Re: faire le canada?
28 mai 2004 à 06:49
Hey adelko, I live in VAncouver ...Suite
[Général] Re: faire le canada?
27 mai 2004 à 07:48
Hey Scorpion, Most what people said above is true. If you have kids or are planing to, Canada is one of the best places in the world to be. Health care is free, the education system is good and ...Suite
[Général] Re: SOS RACISME
24 mai 2004 à 02:50
Affirmative Action In the Us, universities have to have a certain percentage of minorities, and they are admitted even if there are others non minority students that are better qualified. People ...Suite
Whay our king does or doesn't do is a moroccan problem. It's no one's business to comment about how good or bad our king and government are acting unless they are moroccans or directly ...Suite
les reserves petrolieres du mondes ne vont pas secher d'ici 30 ans. I don't know the institutions you talked about that agree on that. There is much more oil in the world than they would ...Suite
Bonsoir Kangaroo, Whatever your opinion is about Morocco, Australia is a racist country. If the people of that country support the government's policy of putting refugees in prison camps for ...Suite
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