

Arab-European summit : King Mohammed VI wants Arab nations to boost cooperation with EU

King Mohammed VI sent, Monday, a message to the attendees of the first Arab-European Summit, held currently in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. He urged in his message Arab countries to open up promising prospects for peaceful coexistence with the European Union.

(avec MAP)
King Mohammed VI./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 2'

In a message read by Moroccan Prime Minister Saadeddine El Othmani at the first Arab-European Summit, King Mohammed VI described the meeting as a «pivotal moment in the Arab-European dialogue», reports MAP news agency.

Held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the summit takes place at a juncture marked by crucial geostrategic developments with a direct bearing on our two regions, the sovereign said in a speech sent to the summit, noting that the summit «reflects a common desire to take our relationship to a higher level».

«That would certainly have a tangible impact on security and stability in our regions and would also open up promising prospects for peaceful coexistence between our peoples and contribute to the economic and social well-being they yearn for,» the King underlined in the speech read on Monday.

«It sets the stage for a dialogue which has special significance as far as the Arab world’s relationship with its various partners is concerned - be they countries or regional and continental blocs and organizations».

King Mohammed VI

partnership, dialogue and cooperation

«This relationship reflects a common conviction and is the result of human, intellectual and cultural efforts rooted in constant interaction and mutual enrichment between Arab and European civilizations,» the King added.

For decades now, the Kingdom of Morocco has had a special and fruitful relationship with its European partner, especially through the Advanced Status it has with the EU, the monarch said, adding that Morocco is ready to help turn Arab-European cooperation into an innovative partnership that builds upon the cultural heritage of each party, common interests, mutual esteem and constructive dialogue.

The King underlined the importance of undertaking an objective, cool-headed assessment of the achievements of Arab-European cooperation, reviewing its pillars, determining its strategic short and long-term priorities, and developing work methods to deliver better results.

King Mohammed VI, who is the Chairman of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Al-Quds Committee, stressed the need to safeguard the legal character of the holy city, which is part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967.

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