

French Montana launches a campaign against Trump’s immigration policy

Moroccan-American hip hop artist French Montana./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 1'

Moroccan-American hip hop artist Karim Kharbouch, known by his stage name French Montana, has launched a campaign with American television channel MTV to help undocumented immigrants attend college in the US.

In a video published June the 15th, French Montana invited three undocumented immigrants to his place for dinner, where they shared their struggle.

The initiative comes as in 2017 President Donald Trump put an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an American immigration policy that enables people brought to the US illegally as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and to work in the American territory.

«Since Obama made it happen and Trump came in and just took that away, I just felt like it was kind of a racist thing to do», French Montana told the three Dreamers as they were about to have dinner all together.

Listening to their stories and how they were brought to the USA illegally by their parents, Karim Kharbouch thought of his own experience as an immigrant.

«I see my face in all of y’all ‘cause, you know, I came here in 1996 but did not have the DACA program (…) So, for me, when I got after 12th grade they basically just told me I couldn’t go to college».

French Montana

Through #WeAreTheDream with MTV and Get schooled, the rapper is trying to raise awareness regarding thousands of undocumented immigrants who graduated from high school and cannot pursue their studies because of their legal status.

«It’s something that a lot of people was going through but they are not speaking on it that have platforms like me», he argued adding «it is all about sparking the brain of somebody that’s greater to help make this an issue, because it is a real issue».

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