

2017 Change Readiness Index : Is Morocco unable to face change ? 

Morocco is ranked 57th among the countries that are ready to change and evolve in the world. This was claimed by the 2017 Change Readiness Index, published every two years by Swiss firm KPMG. Ranking details below.

Change Readiness Index ranks Morocco 57th./Ph. DR
Temps de lecture: 2'

KPMG, a professional service and consulting company headquartered in Switzerland has published this week its international report ranking the countries that are ready for change and evolution. After being ranked as 56th in 2015 by the «Change Readiness Index» (CRI), Morocco drops in the scale moving in 2017 to the 57th place in this report that investigates 136 countries for this edition instead of 127 the previous year. 

Moving on to the details, this year Morocco scored 0.524 points overall compared to 2015 when it was registered at 0.532. It is ranked 41st in terms of enterprise capacity climbing three steps compared to the previous ranking. The Kingdom is also 41st when it comes to the government capability sub-index.

According to the report, the North African country is 93rd in terms of people and civil society capability, which remains very low compared to other neighboring countries. Indeed regarding the sub-index, Morocco was ranked last year 78th, hence losing 15 places. 

Morocco is 2nd in the Maghreb region and 6th in the MENA region

Topping the Maghreb region rankings in 2015, the authors of the report described the country as «the most capable of change, managing change and seizing positively the opportunities arising from change», in the Maghreb. However, in 2017 Morocco handed its leading position to Tunisia. The latter was ranked 55th in the world and first in the region. Algeria is 3rd, ahead of Libya 117th and Mauritania 131st in the world. 

Regionally, Morocco is well positioned being the 6th country behind Tunisia, Jordan 38th, Saudi Arabia 26th, Qatar 19th and the United Arab Emirates which is topping the Arab countries list, aka MENA.

Globally, the report was topped by Switzerland followed by Sweden, the UAE, Singapore and Denmark. The bottom of the ranking is occupied by South Sudan 132nd , Sudan, Chad, Syria and Somalia 136th. 

The CRI is compiled to measure countries’ ability to cope with change. It is based on three major sub-indices, namely enterprises' capability, government capability, people and civil society capability. These three indicators are there to «anticipate, prepare, manage and respond to change and cultivate opportunities».

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