

Morocco endorses ICJ ruling on Gaza, urges protection and aid for Palestinians

Temps de lecture: 1'

A Moroccan Foreign Ministry source confirmed the Kingdom's welcome of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling ordering Israel to take all measures within its power for protecting Palestinians in Gaza and guaranteeing unimpeded humanitarian aid flow.

This aligns with King Mohammed VI's repeated calls, as Chair of the Al-Quds Committee, for urgent practical measures to safeguard Palestinians, the same source emphasized. They further condemned the «unprecedented aggression» against Gaza and the critical humanitarian situation.

The source reiterated Morocco's unwavering support for the Palestinian cause, its rejection of civilian targeting from any party, and its recognition of the Palestinian people's right to an independent state within the internationally-backed two-state solution. This solution, the source concluded, holds the key to a secure future of peace and stability for the entire region.

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