Thanks Chelhman.
I heard someone say:'7raktini.' That person used the Arabic word for 'fire' as a metaphor for 'pain'. Is that also correct?
Is here someone who
Hi krim,
"Emotions can be an obstacle for any logical thinking."
You're right but in this case I don't think emotions are the cause, I'd say beliefs
I think u experiencing the excitement of youth, u looking for your personality and you are still on the transitory path, when u get to the stable regime you will acquire the
I still don't understand you and you're still being vague. This is the second time that I will ask you to clarify things for me. Or shall I make my own conclusions? Like that you got pissed
Today, I went to some jewish shawarma restaurant in Ft Lauderdale, FL.
I never felt so much out of place as I felt today.
I ordered shawarma. my order was made. my order was put
when u become more mature Tifah, come back I'll be happy to discuss with you
Oops, I guess I stepped on your toes by correcting you. I noticed from your other posts that
when u become more mature Tifah, come back I'll be happy to discuss with you
Oops, I guess I stepped on your toes by correcting you. I noticed from your other posts that you
Interests differ. It doesn't have to mean that Chelhman is intolerant towards religious people. Maybe he's not interested in those kind of things, because he got his own opinion about
It's a forum for muslims who only follow the Quran. They are also called Rabbanian or in English: Quran Aloners. Their message is to clear all added stuff, like the hadith and the sunna, to the
And the winner is...
Nabila Marhaben!!
She won 5000 euro and a photoshoot. She's chosen because she's very intelligent, communicative and ambitious. And ofcourse because she's