Hi everyone, I ‘m not quite convinced that the homosexuality is an illness…there is no real proof for it…it’s rather a choice however are the circumstances that lead to ...Suite
Sex is taboo to talk about in almost every muslimcountry. How can you start a dialogue about homosexuality, when talking about sex in general is considered 'hachouma'? We Moroccans first need to ...Suite
[] Re: who are your closest friends?
22 mai 2006 à 13:39
Salaam alikoum brothers and sisters, Well the question is who are your closest friends: Moroccans?Muslims?arabs?or non muslims? My younger sister is my closest ...Suite
The more the subject sex is taboo in a culture, the more people get obsessed by ...Suite
Let's look at it from a woman's stand point. Girls just like any others in the world, want to look and feel beautiful and attractive, and for that they would wear trendy and sometimes VERY ...Suite
I think it has more to do with testosterone than being Moroccan. Every guy on the planet has the urge to jump everything on sight, only two things can keep that urge in check : your ...Suite
Why do people have to play with emotions of other people? Are they not godfearing? I think cheating on others should deserves the death penalty! LOL (just joking) But I'm serious, why is playing with ...Suite
[] Re: moroccan government sucks..
21 mai 2006 à 17:25
Sure all wat you said is true, but we can tell that there is a little changes couple years ago. we re moroccans and we need to be proud of our country as everybody does look at the ...Suite
For the record: a muslim should marry a muslim. Many muslims say that men are allowed to marry christians or jews, but I don't agree with that statement since christians and jews commit idolatry. To ...Suite
[] Re: moroccan government sucks..
18 mai 2006 à 19:46
Pfff... while reading that news I'm alhamdolilah happy to live in Holland, a democratic country, where injustice gets punished! Moroccan laws suck and police and politicians seem corrupt to me. I ...Suite
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Date de naissance:
13 mars 1982
Date d'enregistrement:
18 mai 2006 18:20
Dernière visite:
8 sept. 2010 18:25
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