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who are your closest friends?
29 April 2006 17:11
This discussion went litle to far that it suppose to be!
there is no place for any body to participate cause there is no respect of each other point of view.

Missdol you bring the subject so dont expect everybody gonna give you what you wanna hear, people have different opinion....

I didnt bring the subject of marriage if you read the subject you'll see that its" who are your closest friends thats it nothing to do with marriage!

I have a feeling you are "New" married with no moroccan and you want to know other people opinion about your choice.
if you love you husband just forget about the rest of the world. you mention Islam so many time, I hope your husband is muslim. cause somewhere i read he is not. ..

I'm not newly married I've been married for a while now!.and I didnt talk about it because I wanted to know people's opinion as I dont care about what people say.
And my husband is muslim he was born muslim in a muslim family he's not europeen and I dont even live in europe.Its tafilalt who started talking about marriage.And since I couldnt stand the racist stuffs he said about our brothers pakistani and about mixte marriage(between 2 muslims) that it never works it will 100% fail well that's wonrg as he doesnt know he just gave theories.
you should have read everything.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2006 09:30 by Ex-missdoll.
29 April 2006 19:17
Just to remind Aziz-dk and others, this is how Tafilalt linked the subject of friendship with marriage:

Tafilalt said: "...if your freinds are all europeans, i will not be surprised if tommorrow you fall in love with an european atheist!!!!"

So, in order to avoid falling in love with europeans, he seems to suggest not to have them as friends!!!! he's also suggesting that mixed marriage fails for sure on the long run!!! So, in order to avoid that your marriage fails, Tafilalt is saying to moroccans that they should only marry moroccans and have only moroccans as friends!!!! That is the way for him to show you are proud of your culture and you have not a BIG identity problem!!!!
Also, Tafilalt keeps repeating this moroccan proverb as if Europeans were bad people by definition!!!!and when a moroccan (good person by definition!!!!) hangs out with them, then he's automatically a bad person!!!!

Come on Tafilalt!!!! think of what you're saying....
29 April 2006 21:08
Back to tafilalt's reply...

"You can't define the culture just by giving one or two examples, the culture is more global than a simple acts. For example, the culture is define our vision of the futur. And when you are married with someone of others cultures, it is more probably,on the futur, that your vison of the futur will not be the same than your husband or wife!!!! When you choose your "second part" you have to think about futur!!! not?? execpt if you are a "carpediem"!!!! "

Actually, my examples were only intended to show you that you can not judge people's acts based on the culture you think they belong to. All those are misconceptions. Moreover, I don't think of culture as a pack, which is there frozen and stuck with persons who are from this or that culture. The culture does not produce persons, it's all the opposite, we are the ones who should produce the culture with our contributions to it.

I agree that having a shared vision of the future is very important in a marriage, of course it's important and a carpediem never think of marriage! but, I can't see the reason why a mixed couple would not have a shared vision of future. This has nothing to do with their cultures, it has to do with communication. You can not marry someone and expect from him/her to share your vision of future just because you are from the same culture!!!

"If you have a normal and real moroccan culture, you will find all qualities you search in some moroccans!!! "
"If you are an exception man, the man searching for qualities which any moroccan have, in this case i think you have a BIG identity problem!!!! "

Ok, I'm sure that many Moroccans have these qualities but, I am wondering what is to have a "normal and real moroccan culture"? as I told you, culture is something that we should contribute to and enrich with our work, ideas, creative thinking. It's not something that I should have, it does not belong to me, nor I belong to it.
The same for identity…your comment just made me laugh…you have such huge misconceptions about everything… but it's clear that you are confusing identity with nationality and nationality with culture. Well, maybe other people have some problems with my identity, it is rich, multiple, and does not fit in any of their stereotypes…

I recommend you to read Amin Maalouf "les identités meurtrières" !!!

30 April 2006 23:02
thank you tirally for the summary.

apparently aziz havent read everything and it s normal because almost all comments of tafilalt have been suppressed.

aziz, we werent speaking about wedding with non muslims but friendship with non muslims.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2006 11:13 by tangawiya.
22 May 2006 13:39
Salaam alikoum brothers and sisters,
Well the question is who are your closest friends:
Moroccans?Muslims?arabs?or non muslims?

My younger sister is my closest friend. I honestly don't look at color, age or religion when I pick out my friends. I have Dutch, Moroccan, Turkish, Indonesian and black friends. It doesn;t matter to me what color they are, as long as they're sincere with me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2006 12:01 by Tifah.
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