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English speaking yabiladi members in Paris
18 July 2007 13:40
petit chat
petit chat
Me !!!

english speaking ? grinning smiley

are you sure ? tongue sticking out smiley

Of course I am, my sweet cat smiling smiley

Actually, I study English Law at the University. So, i cannot claim to be completely bilingual but i'm almost fluent winking smiley.

And what about you sweet cat ?

tbarkALLAH 3alik okthismiling smiley

I also guessed you're not a stupid girl, and now, you confirme mes dires lol

and me ? i'm just a fake in this post.. I didn't open an english book since the baccalaureat and I've learn english watching sitcoms or movies in their original version LOOL

i can understand but talking is another problem, I do so many mistakes ... confused smiley

but it's nice to read you in this language smiling smiley smiling smiley


TabarakAllah 3lik a khti.

Don't be so pessimistic, your english speaking level is rather good, otherwize no communication would have been possible between us!

It's a very good initiative to learn English only watching original versions of American mivies, by so doing you can both catch the appropriated pronounciation of each word and some idiomatic expressions.

I'm sure that your accent is far wonderful Angel
3 August 2007 04:20
hi there

i live in paris (or rather its suburb) and do speak english.
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
4 August 2007 00:06
Anyone has counted how many members have answered the call now?
4 August 2007 11:43
Good Idea Shireen

We are 7 members, 1 gentleman smoking smiley spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Clap and 6 Ladies as in fairy tales, as we say in Arabic "ga3 hada Z'har 3and LfQih"... i was going to propose to meet but i don't want to have my clothes torn up downtown in paris smoking smiley tongue sticking out smiley (joking)

Hicham_A, Shireen, Chercheuse d'or, petit chat, Rebeulote 92, Bidaouya, Aela.91 ...

Well,well, dirou saf albnate .... tongue sticking out smiley
4 August 2007 14:58
Good Idea Shireen

We are 7 members, 1 gentleman smoking smiley spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Clap and 6 Ladies as in fairy tales, as we say in Arabic "ga3 hada Z'har 3and LfQih"... i was going to propose to meet but i don't want to have my clothes torn up downtown in paris smoking smiley tongue sticking out smiley (joking)

Hicham_A, Shireen, Chercheuse d'or, petit chat, Rebeulote 92, Bidaouya, Aela.91 ...

Well,well, dirou saf albnate .... tongue sticking out smiley fairy tales there are 6 girls for one man??!!!! i guess there are male-targeted fairy tales. grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2007 12:20 by aela.91.
5 August 2007 00:05
Good Idea Shireen

We are 7 members, 1 gentleman smoking smiley spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Clap and 6 Ladies as in fairy tales, as we say in Arabic "ga3 hada Z'har 3and LfQih"... i was going to propose to meet but i don't want to have my clothes torn up downtown in paris smoking smiley tongue sticking out smiley (joking)

Hicham_A, Shireen, Chercheuse d'or, petit chat, Rebeulote 92, Bidaouya, Aela.91 ...

Well,well, dirou saf albnate .... tongue sticking out smiley

Hicham, I bet you feel luckier than haroun arrachid right now!smoking smiley (sorry for the smoke, i just can't help it!)

Your idea about meeting up is not bad. Do let me know if you decide to please, I'll be in Paris from the 14 to the 25 of this month and would love to meet some of you!!
5 August 2007 00:21
Good Idea Shireen

We are 7 members, 1 gentleman smoking smiley spinning smiley sticking its tongue out Clap and 6 Ladies as in fairy tales, as we say in Arabic "ga3 hada Z'har 3and LfQih"... i was going to propose to meet but i don't want to have my clothes torn up downtown in paris smoking smiley tongue sticking out smiley (joking)

Hicham_A, Shireen, Chercheuse d'or, petit chat, Rebeulote 92, Bidaouya, Aela.91 ...

Well,well, dirou saf albnate .... tongue sticking out smiley

Hicham, I bet you feel luckier than haroun arrachid right now!smoking smiley (sorry for the smoke, i just can't help it!)

Your idea about meeting up is not bad. Do let me know if you decide to please, I'll be in Paris from the 14 to the 25 of this month and would love to meet some of you!!


hey i'll be interested too, and i'll be back from morocco inchaallah aroung the 23rd. greaaaaaaaaaaaat
5 August 2007 14:46
5 August 2007 17:54
We are no 8 persons, still one man and now 7 ladies... i told you i'm lucky...
5 August 2007 18:51
Ok Hicham, i think you should change the title on your subject to English speaking Yabiladi ladies only in Paris grinning smiley

By the way Neurotica, welcome to the forum smiling smiley
5 August 2007 19:05
well sure, it's more interesting ....tongue sticking out smiley
5 August 2007 19:42
OK 8 people is not bad at all. I suggest we meet as soon as we reach 10. In real life I am Shireen's mum but in our situation right here I will be happy to be everyone's mum winking smiley
7 August 2007 09:44
Hello! I speak English but it's not my mother tongue so I speak it with a slight French accent. I would like to go to an English country so that I could practise it
7 August 2007 09:58
Salam Musulmane

I think what is important is to speak it, it is not bad to have an accent... you can still learn how to pronounce it correctly .... []

Well we are now 9 members, but still one male member ... smoking smiley
7 August 2007 10:11
Doesn't it feel a tiny bit lonely Hicham? I bet you would be more comfortable with at least one more guy around smiling smiley
7 August 2007 10:15
Salam Musulmane

I think what is important is to speak it, it is not bad to have an accent... you can still learn how to pronounce it correctly .... []

Or i can give you pronounciation tuitions over the phone, if you don't mind speaking with a Mancunian accent...a bit like Noel Gallagher from Oasis grinning smiley
7 August 2007 10:15
Well, it's ok .. as far as i'm in front of my screen tongue sticking out smiley , the rub would be meeting you all together at the same time ... confused smiley
7 August 2007 10:22
@ Hicham,

Maybe, just maybe, you could go hunting for English speaking guys in the french forum that has thousands of members?
7 August 2007 10:22

Well we are now 9 members, but still one male member ... smoking smiley

well i'm not sure about that, didn't LeMask mention that he was a student in Paris? where is he by the way? moody smiley

and who gave you permission to use my smoking smiley? i thought i was the only junkie here!!grinning smiley
7 August 2007 10:28
well, that's the negative part of reading your beautiful messages tongue sticking out smiley .. it's too late now i'm addicted (to smoking smileys)..
7 August 2007 10:30
thank you shireen, i'm totally happy here and need no competition ...
7 August 2007 10:44
thank you shireen, i'm totally happy here and need no competition ...

You're right Hicham,no one does smiling smiley
7 August 2007 19:26
Salam everybody,

I'm living in Paris too, and if u want an english-speaker too smiling smiley, I'm studing Finance in a Business School (English Track), and it's a real pleasure 2 meet u (tm)
8 August 2007 18:16
Hi You84 and welcome aboard! (tm)

You study finance, that's great!! but what's exactly (English Track)? moody smiley
8 August 2007 18:33
Hi You84 and welcome aboard! (tm)

You study finance, that's great!! but what's exactly (English Track)? moody smiley
Hi Minimouse, smiling smiley
it's a Major of Finance, entirely taught in english, very pratical for working in the finance sector winking smiley
Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. (Thomas Edison)
8 August 2007 23:32
Hi You84 and welcome aboard! (tm)

You study finance, that's great!! but what's exactly (English Track)? moody smiley
Hi Minimouse, smiling smiley
it's a Major of Finance, entirely taught in english, very pratical for working in the finance sector winking smiley

Oh i see, that's brilliant!! are you planning to land a job in Wall street then? tongue sticking out smiley

good luck to you smiling smiley
8 August 2007 23:42
Oh i see, that's brilliant!! are you planning to land a job in Wall street then? tongue sticking out smiley

good luck to you smiling smiley
Thanks, smiling smiley
humm... Wall Street! i don't think so, too far for me, I like to go back to Morocco at least 4 times a year... (tm),
But maybe the City (London). It's seems better winking smiley
Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. (Thomas Edison)
9 August 2007 00:14
much better! people of the city are so well paid and presentable, you can't miss them in the tube lol! some of them get up to £1m in bonuses each year can you believe it!!!
9 August 2007 00:22
much better! people of the city are so well paid and presentable, you can't miss them in the tube lol! some of them get up to £1m in bonuses each year can you believe it!!!
Mammamia!! eye popping smiley

that's amazing! but step by step, first studies, and after may be $$$$$ or have I to see £££££ grinning smiley
Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. (Thomas Edison)
9 August 2007 10:06
£££££ of course!! it's much stronger that the $$$$$ grinning smiley
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