Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
Ait Demnate everywhere
26 mars 2007 20:42
Hey everybody,
How are you ? i hope that everything is doing well with you
The rational behind creating this corner is to debate and to discuss certain subjects about the city of Demnate in English language. Everyone who is from Demnate or who speaks English is invited to participate in this platform and to provide us with information that will play an important role in introducing the city of Demnate and its history, rites,traditions and culture. I am waiting for your comments and topics.
if you wanna get in touch that my email : [email protected]
2 avril 2007 17:46
Hey Demnati People,

First of all , i am so sorry to write my message in English because i have so many problems with French.I wanna inform you that i am very proud to be among you in this corner tackling issues about my home city ,Demnate.This wonderful city which is neglected by the Moroccan governments also by its people.We have to run heaven and earth to introduce our city because it deserve to be intorduced.It's a shame that Demnate ,which is considered one of the most historical cities in Morocco ,was / is forgotten and neglected. I have to tell you that i am constructing a website about Demnate ( in English ).It will deal with the historical, the geographical, and the linguistic situation of Demnate ;moreoever, it will include pictures of the gorgeous sightseeings also important issues.I am waiting for your support and your help .If you are very interested in such subject , you can email me : [email protected]

proud to be Demnati Iwiss_n_arahbi
10 avril 2007 03:14
d'après ce que je connais les demnatis ne parlent pas englais au bled .......
10 avril 2007 19:31
Salam Meftah,
je vous remercie infiniment pour ton message. Je voudrais vous dire que j'ai créé ce forum en langue Anglaise parce que c'est la langue que je maitrise et aussi de donner une image a cette belle ville ,qui a été négligé , a tous les anglophone concernant l'histoire, la culture ,et les traditions.C'est vrais que La langue Anglaise n'est pas la langue parlée par les Demnatis mais n'oublié pas qu'ils ont le pouvoir de parler plusieurs langues hahahah.Mon objectif est de changer des idées apropos de la ville parceque je suis en train de créer un site sur Demnate en Anglais

Merci bcp Demnatium
if you wanna get in touch that my email : [email protected]
23 mai 2007 22:21
hello where are you ??????????????????????????????
23 juin 2007 13:25
hello Demnati people , where are you ?
Don't tell me that there ain't Demnati people who speak English........................ there are and i know come on ladies and gentlemen
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