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La constitution de Médine, un témoignage de tolérance
30 juillet 2009 12:20
Sur le site Internet de la Tribune des Droits Humains, lundi 27 juillet 2009, Maher Y. Abu-Munshar, professeur en études islamiques sur Jérusalem à l´Université d´Aberdeen en Ecosse, publie un article à la défense du pluralisme religieux dans la tradition de l´islam :

« ...En l´an 622 EC, lorsque le Prophète Mahomet émigra de La Mecque à Médine, dans la péninsule arabique, pour y établir le premier Etat musulman, il voulut assurer que ses habitants musulmans et non-musulmans pourrait y vivre en harmonie. Or comme il y avait à Médine une communauté juive assez conséquente, le Prophète proposa un accord de coopération entre les musulmans et les 11 tribus juives, appelé Charte de Médine, qui serait, selon la plupart des historiens et érudits musulmans, la première constitution écrite d´un Etat.

Cette charte énonçait les droits des juifs en tant que citoyens non-musulmans dans un Etat musulman. Ainsi, le Prophète réussit à créer à Médine une communauté pluriconfessionnelle régie par un ensemble de principes d´application universelle. Les règles édictées dans la charte devaient maintenir la paix et la bonne entente, protéger la vie et les biens, prévenir l´injustice et garantir la liberté de culte et de déplacement pour tous les habitants- quelles que soient leurs origines tribales ou religieuses. L´allégeance à la communauté l´emportait sur l´identité religieuse, ainsi qu´en témoignent les règles de défense mutuelle : "chacun doit aider l´autre contre celui qui attaquera les peuples objets de ce document".

La façon dont le Prophète traite les "peuples du Livre", les juifs en l´occurrence, est empreinte à la fois de tolérance religieuse et de prudence. La charte établit le cadre dans lequel doivent s´insérer les relations futures entre musulmans et non-musulmans, et précise que les citoyens non-musulmans sont partenaires à égalité avec les habitants musulmans...

... A notre époque moderne, dans de nombreuses sociétés à majorité musulmane, les réalités culturelles et sociales ont conduit à des violations des droits des non-musulmans. Mais un regard sur l´histoire prouve que la voie vers la compréhension mutuelle et la tolérance ne s´écarte en rien de ce qu´est l´essence de l´islam. Tout au contraire, pour renouer avec cet esprit d´ouverture, les sociétés musulmanes doivent se tourner vers le Coran, et reproduire le modèle qu´il propose. »

Source :
30 juillet 2009 13:36
Il y as des erreurs d'orthographe sur cet article, ce n'est pas Mahomet mais Mohammad(sas), on voit bien que les européens aiment modifier le nom du Saint Prophète pour en alterer aussi le sens...
31 juillet 2009 11:55
Attention, cet article publié sur le site du CRIF n’est qu’un leurre qui montre ses méthodes ! Attention à ne pas mordre sur l’hameçon.

En fait, l’article d’origine fut publié en anglais le 21 juillet à cette adresse :[].

Une traduction française fut publié sur le site de la Tribune des Droits Humains le 26 juillet à cette adresse : [].

On constate que :

1. le CRIF ne donne pas de lien vers l’article d’origine mais vers le site anglais afin de faciliter la recherche de cet article.

2. L’article publié par le CRIF est tronqué afin de ne pas montrer toute la vérité historique. Il y manque ces deux paragraphes importants :

« Près de 15 ans plus tard, lorsque les musulmans ravirent Jérusalem aux Byzantins, le calife Omar Ibn al-Khattab accorda à ses habitants, chrétiens pour la plupart, la sécurité pour leurs personnes, leurs biens et leurs églises. L’historienne britannique Karen Armstrong rapporte : “…[Omar] était fidèle à la tradition d’ouverture de l’islam. Contrairement aux juifs et aux chrétiens, les musulmans ne cherchaient pas à exclure les autres de la sainteté de Jérusalem”.

La protection garantie par Omar aux populations de Jérusalem constitue un exemple insigne pour les sociétés multiconfessionnelles contemporaines. L’histoire a prouvé que, là où ces exemples sont mis en pratique, les non-musulmans sont traités avec bonté et justice. »

3. Il est clair que la publication de cet article s’inscrit dans le cadre de la campagne menée actuellement par les Etats-Unis afin de « normaliser » les relations avec l’état d’Israël sans aucune garantie d’accepter la fameuse solution à « deux états » sur les frontières de 4 juin 1967 comme le demandait la célèbre initiative arabe mort-née en 2002. Des analystes parlent de « normalisation » contre « l’arrêt de colonisation en Cisjordanie » et au diable tous les autres droits des Palestiniens.

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 31/07/09 11:56 par Swingue.
31 juillet 2009 20:01
Puis-je me permettre une suggestion de lecture relatif à l'histoire :

Google : environ 28 800 pour edit de caracalla.
soit en l'an 212 du calendrier dit universel.
18 avril 2012 22:34
Le fondement de la démocratie, les droits des femmes et le multiculturalisme
La Constitution de la Médina est la première Constitution de la démocratie dans l’histoire de l’ordre constitutionnel. Ses principes ont également été basée sur le Coran et la sunna. Munis de ces principes, le prophète a réussi à établir le premier état islamique, qui comprenaient des personnes de multi-religieuse et plusieurs arrière-plans culturels dans une nation ou oumma unifiée. Fondées sur des principes universels qui constituent la Charte ou, comme on appelle communément la Constitution de la (Médina).
Qui vous oblige à être musulmans ?
18 avril 2012 22:37
Vous trouverez ci-après le détail en Anglais de 63 articles de la première constitution écrite de l'histoire humaine :

Article 1 Document constitutionnel
Il s’agit d’un document constitutionnel donné par Muhammad (paix soit sur eux), le prophète, (Messager de Dieu).

Article 2 Les sujets constitutionnels de l’Etat
(Ce doit être un pacte) entre les musulmans de Quraysh, les gens de Yathrib (les citoyens de Médine) et ceux qui les suivent et s’y attacher (politiquement) et de combattre avec eux. (Toutes ces communautés sont les sujets constitutionnels de l’État.)

Article 3 Formation of the Constitutional Nationality
The aforementioned communities shall formulate a Constitutional Unity as distinct from (other) people.

Article 4 Validation and Enforcement of the former tribal laws of blood money for the emigrant Quraysh.
The emigrants from Quraysh shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principals of law and justice.

Article 5 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Auf
And the emigrants from Banu Auf shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover , the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice

Article 6 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Harith
And the emigrants from Banu Harith shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice.

Article 7 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Saida
And the emigrants from Banu Saida shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice.

Article 8 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Jusham
And the emigrants from Banu Jusham shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice.

Article 9 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Najjar
And the emigrants from Banu Najjar shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice.

Article 10 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Amr
And the emigrants from Banu Amr shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice.

Article 11 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Nabeet
And the emigrants from Banu Nabeet shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice.

Article 12 Validation of the former laws of blood money for Banu Aws
And the emigrants from Banu Aws shall be responsible for their ward and they shall, according to their former approved practice, jointly pay the blood money in mutual collaboration and every group shall secure the release of their prisoners by paying the ransom. Moreover, the deal among the believers shall be in accordance with the recognized principles of law and justice.

Article 13 Indiscriminate rule of law and justice for all the communities.
And every group shall secure the release of its captives ensuring that an indiscriminate rule of law and justice is applied among the believers.

Article 14 Prohibition of relaxation in execution of law
The believers shall not leave a debtor among them, but shall help him in paying his ransom, according to what shall be considered fair.

Article 15 Prohibition of Unjust favoritism
A believer shall not form an alliance with the associate of (another) believer without the (latter’s) consent.

Article 16 Collective resistance against injustice, tyranny and mischief
There shall be collective resistance by the believers against any individual who rises in rebellion, attempts to acquire anything by force, violates any pledge or attempts to spread mischief amongst the believers. Such collective resistance against the perpetrator shall occur even if he is the son of anyone of them.

Article 17 Prohibition of killing of a Muslim by a Muslim

A believer shall not kill (another) believer (in retaliation) for an unbeliever, nor help an unbeliever against a believer.

Article 18 Guarantee of equal right of life protection for all the Muslims
The security of God (granted under this constitution) is one. This protection can be granted even by the humblest of the believers ( that would be equally binding for all).

Article 19 Distinctive identity of the Muslims against other constitutional communities
The believers shall be the associates of one another against all other people (of the world).

Article 20 Non-Muslim minorities (Jews) have the same right of life protection (like Muslims)
A Jew, who obeys us( the state) shall enjoys the same right of life protection( as the believers do), so long as they (the believers) are not wronged by him. (the Jews), and he does not help (others) against them.

Article 21 Guarantee of peace and security for all the Muslims bases on equality and justice
And verily the peace granted by the believers shall be one. If there is any war in the way of Allah, no believers shall make any treaty of peace( with the enemy) apart from other believers, unless that is based on equality and fairness among all.

Article 22 Law of relief for war allies
Every war ally of ours shall receive relief turns ( at riding) at all military duties.

Article 23 Law of vengeance for the Muslims in case bloodshed in the way of Allah
The believers shall execute vengeance for one another for the bloodshed in the way of Allah.

Article 24 Islam is the best code of life
All the God-fearing believers are under the best and most correct guidance of Islam.

Article 25 Prohibition of providing security of life and property to the enemy
No idolater ( or any non-believer among the clans of Madina) shall give protection for property and life to ( any of the ) Quraysh ( because of their being hostile to the state of Madina) nor shall intervene on his behalf against any believer.

Article 26 Execution of the law of retaliation for a Muslim murder
When anyone intentionally kills a believer, the evidence being clear he shall be killed in retaliation, unless the heirs of the victim are satisfied with the blood money. All the believers shall solidly stand against the murderer and nothing will be lawful for them except opposing him.

Article 27 protection or concession for the doer of mischief and subversion against the constitution
A believer who believes in God and in the Hereafter and agrees to the contents of this document shall not provide any protection or concession to those who engage in mischief and subversion against this constitution. Those who do so shall face the curse and wrath of God on the Day of Resurrection. Furthermore, nothing shall be accepted from them as a compensation or restitution ( in the life hereafter).

Article 28 The final and absolute authority in the disputes vests in almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them)
When anyone among you differs about anything, the dispute shall be referred to Almighty Allah and to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them) (as all final and absolute authority is vested in them).

Article 29 Proportionate liability of non-Muslim citizens (the Jews) in bearing the war expenses
The Jews (non-Muslim minorities) will be subjected to a proportionate liability of the war expenses along with the believers so long as they (the Jews) continue to fight in conjunction with them.

Article 30 Guarantee of freedom of religion for both the Muslims and non-Muslim minorities ( the Jews)
The Jews of Banu Awf (non-Muslim minorities) shall be considered a community along with the believers. They shall be guaranteed the right of religious freedom along with the Muslims. The right shall be conferred on their associates as well as themselves except those who are guilty of oppression or the violators of treaties. They will bring evil only on themselves and their family.

Article 31 Equality of rights for the Jews of Banu Najjar with the Jews of Banu Awf
The Jews of Banu Najjar shall enjoy the same rights as granted to the Jews of Banu Awf.

Article 32 Equality of rights for the Jews of Banu Harith with the Jews of Banu Awf
The Jews of Banu Harith shall enjoy the same rights as granted to the Jews of Banu Awf.

Article 33 Equality of rights for the Jews of Banu Sa’ida with the Jews of Banu Awf
The Jews of Banu Sa’ida shall enjoy the same rights as granted to the Jews of Banu Awf.

Article 34 Equality of rights for the Jews of Banu Jusham with the Jews of Banu Awf
The Jews of Banu Jusham shall enjoy the same rights as granted to the Jews of Banu Awf.

Article 35 Equality of rights for the Jews of Banu Aws with the Jews of Banu Awf
The Jews of Banu Aws shall enjoy the same rights as granted to the Jews of Banu Awf.

Article 36 Equality of rights for the Jews of Banu Tha’laba with the Jews of Banu Awf
The Jews of Banu Tha’laba shall enjoy the same rights as granted to the Jews of Banu Awf except who are guilty of oppression or violate treaties, they will bring evil only on themselves and their family.

Article 37 Equality of rights for Jafna, the branch of Banu Tha’laba, with the Jews of Banu Awf
Jafna, a branch of Banu Thalaba, shall enjoy the same rights as granted to Banu Tha’laba.

Article 38 Equality of rights for the Jews of Banu Shutayba with the Jews of Banu Awf
The Jews of Banu Shutayba shall enjoy the same rights as granted to the Jews of Banu Awf. There shall be complete compliance ( with this constitution) and no violation (of its clauses)

Article 39 Equality of rights for all the associates of the tribe Tha’laba
All the associates of Banu Tha’laba shall enjoy the same rights as granted to Banu Thalaba.

Article 40 Equality of rights for all branches of the Jews
All sub-branches of the Jews shall enjoy the same rights as granted to them (the Jews).

Article 41 Final command and authority in military expeditions vests in the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them)
Verily, none among the allies shall advance (on a military expedition) without the prior permission of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them) (in whom vests the final command and authority).

Article 42 No exception from the law of retaliation
There shall be no impediment on anyone who wished to avenge a wound.

Article 43 Responsibility of Unlawful Killing
Whoever commits an unlawful killing shall be responsible for it himself with his family members but he is exempted in case he kills a cruel. Verily, Allah (is the Trust Helper) support those who adhere completely to this constitution.

Article 44 Separate liability of war expenses
The Jews and the Muslims shall bear their own war expenses separately.

Article 45 Compulsory mutual help to one another in case of war
There shall be mutual help between one another against those engage in war with the allies of this document.

Article 46 Mutual consultation and honourable dealing
There shall be mutual consultation and honourable dealing between the allies and there shall be the fulfilment not the violation, of all pledges.

Article 47 Law of prohibition of treachery and help of the oppressed
No one shall violate the pledge due to his ally and verily; help shall be given to the oppressed.

Article 48 The Jews (non-Muslim minorities) shall also extend financial support to the state during the war period
The Jews (non-Muslims minorities) along with the believers shall extend financial support to the state during the war period.

Article 49 Prohibition of Fighting and bloodshed among the various communities of the state
The valley of Yathrib is sacred and there shall be prohibition of fighting and bloodshed among the various communities of the state.

Article 50 Equal right of life protection shall be granted to everyone , who has been given the constitutional shelter
A person given constitutional shelter shall be granted an equal right of life protection as long as he commits no harm and does not act treacherously.

Article 51 Law of shelter for the women
A woman shall not be given any shelter without the consent of her family.

Article 52 Authority of Allah and the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them) shall be final and absolute authority in all disputes instigating any quarrel
And verily if any dispute arises among the parties to this document from which any quarrel may be feared, it shall be referred to God and to Muhammad (Peace be upon them), the Messenger of God , for the final and absolute decision. Verily, God is the Guarantee for the faithful observance of the contents of this constitution (which shall be enforced by the state).

Article 53 No refuge for the enemies of the state nor for their allies
There shall be no refuge for the Quraysh ( the enemies of the state) nor for their allies.

Article 54 Joint responsibility of defense in case of an attack on the state
The Muslims and the Jews shall be jointly responsible to defend ( the state of) Madina against any outside attack.

Article 55 Incumbency of observance of the treaty of peace for every ally
It shall be incumbent upon the Jews to observe and adhere to any peace treaty they are invited to participate in . Likewise, it shall also be incumbent upon the Muslims to observe and adhere to any peace treaty, they are invited to.

Article 56 No treaty shall suspend or negate the responsibility of the protection of Deen
(Likewise, it shall be incumbent upon the Muslims also to observe and adhere to any peace treaty that they are invited to), but no treaty will restrain them from fighting for the protection of their Deen.

Article 57 Every party to treaty shall be responsible for the defence of its facing direction
Every party to the treaty shall be responsible for the measures and arrangements of the defence of its facing direction.

Article 58 The basic constituent members of this document and their associates shall possess the equal constitutional status
The Jews of Aws (one of the basic constituent members of this document) and their allies shall posses the same constitutional status as the other parties to this document, with a condition that they should thoroughly sincere and honest in their dealing with the parties.

Article 59 No party shall have any right of violation of the constitution
No party shall have the right to violate the constitution. Every person who is guilty of a crime shall be held responsible for his act alone.

Article 60 Favour of Almighty Allah will be subject to the observance of the constitution
Verily, God is the Guarantee for the faithful observance of the contents of this constitution ( which shall be enforced by the state).

Article 61 No traitor or oppressor shall have the right of protection under this document
Verily, this constitutional document shall not protect any traitor or oppressor.

Article 62 All peaceful citizens would be in a save and secure protection
Verily, whoever goes out ( on a military expedition) shall be provided with security and whoever stays in Madina shall have (likewise), except those who commit oppression and violate the contents of this constitution.

Article 63 Allah and his Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them) are the protectors of the peaceful citizens of Madina who abide by the constitution
Verily, Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them), the Messenger of God, are the protectors of good citizens and of those who fear from Allah.

Qui vous oblige à être musulmans ?
18 avril 2012 22:40
RESUME EN LANGUE FRANCAISE : Il s’agit d’un document constitutionnel en 63 articles, donné par le Messager de Dieu Muhammad (SAW)

Clauses en rapport avec les musulmans et les croyants monothéistes

• Les musulmans Koraïchites et de Yathrib (Médine) et ceux qui les suivirent et luttèrent avec eux forment une seule communauté à part.
• Tous les musulmans quelles que soient leurs tribus ou clans partagent entre eux le prix du sang, payent la rançon des captifs selon le bon usage et l'équité.
• Les croyants monothéistes ne délaissent jamais un endetté qui a la charge d'une famille; ils lui donnent des fonds destiné à payer le prix du sang ou le rachat d'un captif.
• Tous les croyants monothéistes devront s’unir contre quiconque étant rebelle ou cherchant à promouvoir l’hostilité ou la sédition, quel que soit leurs liens familiaux ou tribaux.
• Aucun croyant monothéiste ne doit en tuer un autre, ou soutenir un non croyant au détriment d’un croyant.
• La protection de Dieu est sur tous les croyants monothéistes, indépendamment de leur classe ou de leur origine tribale.
• Les croyants monothéistes doivent s’entraider.
• Il est défendu à un croyant monothéiste ayant consenti à ce qui est écrit dans ce texte et cru en Dieu et au jour du jugement de secourir un criminel ou de l’héberger. S'il le fait, il sera maudit par Dieu au jour de la résurrection, sans pitié, et l'on n'acceptera de lui ni compensation, ni indemnité.

Clauses en rapport avec les juifs

• Les juifs ne font qu’une communauté avec les croyants.
• Les juifs peuvent continuer de professer leur religion et la liberté de pratiquer leur religion est garantie.
• Tout juif qui adhère à cette charte doit avoir l’aide et l’assistance des croyants et tous les droits des croyants doivent lui être donnés.
• Chaque tribu et chaque clan juif est responsable de son prix du sang, de ses taxes de châtiment et de ses payements de rançon.

Clauses communes à tous

• Les juifs et les croyants monothéistes de Médine ont un pacte de défense mutuelle entre chaque groupe. Pour honorer ce pacte, ils doivent en payer le coût nécessaire.
• Les juifs et les croyants monothéistes de Médine se conseilleront et leurs relations mutuelles doivent être fondées sur la droiture, alors que le péché est interdit.
• Aucun des juifs ou des croyants monothéistes ne doit commettre de péchés portant préjudice à l’autre groupe.
• Si les juifs font du tort aux croyants monothéistes ou si ceux-ci font du tort à ceux-là, alors le parti lésé doit être aidé.
• Médine doit rester un lieu sacré et inviolé pour tous ceux qui joignent la charte, à l’exception de ceux qui ont commis une injustice ou un crime.
• Tous les participants à cette charte doivent boycotter les Koraïchites non musulmans de La Mecque.
• Tous les participants à cette charte doivent défendre Médine de toute attaque étrangère.
• Aucune clause de cette charte ne doit interdire à aucun parti de demander un châtiment légal.
• Aucun participant à cette charte ne peut déclarer une guerre sans la permission du prophète de l'islam Mahomet.
• Chaque fois qu’un désaccord s’élève entre deux participants à cette charte, le désaccord doit être soumis à Dieu et à Son messager pour arbitrage
Qui vous oblige à être musulmans ?
19 avril 2012 02:21

Attention aux pervers ici. Mais c'est voyant à 1000 km...

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 19/04/12 02:22 par abde12.
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