

Mitsubishi to purchase Bombardier’s CRJ aircraft program, supplied by a Morocco plant

Temps de lecture: 1'

Canadian regional airlines manufacturer Bombardier has confirmed that it is selling its CRJ aircraft program to Japanese firm Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Belfast Telegraph reported on Tuesday.

Bombardier said that it is currently «reviewing what impact this may have on [its] sites in Northern Ireland and Morocco», which are suppliers to the program.

The company also announced that it «will evaluate opportunities in other programs to mitigate any potential impact on [its] workforce» in the two locations.

Bombardier will sell its CRJ aircraft program for $550m, the same source said, recalling that «US group Spirit AeroSystems, UK-based GKN and Airbus have been linked to the acquisition of Bombardier’s operations in Northern Ireland and Morocco».

For the record, Bombardier announced in May that it is selling its aerostructures unit in Morocco in an attempt to «consolidate its aerospace business into a single hub».

Bombardier said at the time that after selling off its units in the Kingdom and in Northern Ireland it «will focus its aerostructures activities in Montreal, Mexico and its newly acquired Global 7500 business jet wing operations in Texas».

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