

US AFRICOM head visits Morocco, hails strong military partnership

Temps de lecture: 1'

General Michael Langley, head of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), visited Morocco on February 20-21, meeting with key military officials and emphasizing the strength of the US-Morocco military partnership.

In Rabat, General Langley met with Lieutenant General Mohammed Berrid, Inspector General of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces (FAR) and Commander of the South Zone, and Minister Delegate Abdellatif Loudiyi in charge of the National Defense Administration.

Expressing praise for the bilateral partnership, General Langley stated: «The military partnership between the United States and Morocco remains strong and poised for further development. This collaboration underscores our shared commitment to regional security, stability, and prosperity».

He further commended Morocco's significant role in maintaining regional security and stability, contributing to peace and prosperity in the Middle East and across Africa. «The strategic partnership is anchored in common interests, reflecting a mutual commitment to addressing shared challenges», General Langley added.

Following his visit to Rabat, General Langley traveled to Kenitra, where he met with students from 27 African countries undertaking training at the Royal College of Higher Military Education (CREMS).

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