[] Re: Site marrocains
7 novembre 2005 à 15:02
[] Re: Site marrocains
7 novembre 2005 à 15:02
Ciao Harira! Sur il y'en a des vraiment ...Suite
Zouahir, ciao! Beautiful site, my fav: Vanishing Fluff. Flkickering frog, Eclypse of mars and Magic ...Suite
Gabri i must reply to your last words.... excuse mu but "be grateful" for what or to who? I mean immigrants are accepted in this or that country coz they bring money, under the form of working, ...Suite
[] Re: Aid El Fitr
3 novembre 2005 à 17:23
Excuse us! Well Porcino is a special mushroom, nice strong flavour, cannot be grown artificially, and is usually sold fresh or dried which is also very nice, it goes in risotto (rice), by itself, ...Suite
[] Re: Aid El Fitr
3 novembre 2005 à 17:16
No no compliments Cali, just reality! My uncle goes and recently he brought us some really big porcini, not too tasty though. Ok danish people dont have this habit.... well...... you have a ...Suite
[] Re: Aid El Fitr
3 novembre 2005 à 16:23
WOW!!!!! Cali we have the same taste in pasta. I porcini li adoro anche io carissimo Cali! For those who doesnt know Mr.Cali is an excellent italian speaker and knows a great deal of italy, ...Suite
[] Re: Aid El Fitr
3 novembre 2005 à 15:44
Ciao beautiful people! i bought the winter sleepers to fattah, i will cook a special italian pasta tonite.....dressed like a 100% woman from the bled,and give them to him........ it seem we are ...Suite
You are welcome Ilhem2, the same to you and your family my ...Suite
Just to specify: Gabri: ilhem2 is a nice Lady! Una bella ragazza as we ...Suite
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7 sept. 2005 16:04
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