Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
Tommy Hilfiger
25 mai 2005 22:31

Tommy Hilfiger raciste contre les African-Americans, Arabs, Hispanics, and Asians

Je suis sûr que beaucoup d'entre vous ont regardé le récent enregistrement de l'émission d'Oprah Winfrey (USA) où son invité était Tommy Hilfiger. Lors de cette émission, elle lui demanda si les propos racistes qu'on l'accusait avoir tenu étaient vraies, notamment "Si j'avais su que des Afro-Américains, des Arabes, des Hispaniques et des Asiatiques allaient porter mes vêtements, je ne LES AURAIS JAMAIS FAIT AUSSI BEAUX. J'aimerais que ces gens NE PORTENT PAS mes vêtements car ils sont faits pour la classe supérieure blanche."

Sa réponse à Oprah fut un simple "Oui", après quoi elle lui demanda immédiatement de quitter son plateau de télévision.

Suggestion? N'achetez pas votre prochain t-shirt ou parfum chez Tommy Hilfiger. Donnons-lui ce qu'il souhaite. N'achetons pas ses vêtements et faisons-le atteindre un niveau financier tel qu'il ne puisse même plus se permettre le prix ridicule auquel il vend ses vêtements.

Alors boycottons tous ses produits.

Version anglaise:

I'm sure many of you may have watched the recent taping of the Oprah Winfrey show where her guest was Tommy Hilfiger. On the show, she asked him if the racist statements he was accused of having uttered were true statements like "... If I'd known African-Americans, Arabs, Hispanics, and Asians would buy my clothes, I WOULD NOT have made them so nice. I wish these people would *NOT* buy my clothes, as they are made for upper class white people."

His answer to Oprah was a simple "YES" - where after, she immediately asked him to leave her show.

Suggestion? Don't buy your next shirt or perfume from Tommy Hilfiger. Let's give him what he asked for. Let's not buy his clothes, let's put him in a financial state where he himself will not be able to afford the ridiculous prices he puts on his clothes.

So, please BOYCOTT all his products.

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 25/05/05 22:47 par angelo.
Un Chleuh parmi tant d'autre ...
25 mai 2005 22:37
Moi , j'y crois pas trop ...
25 mai 2005 22:41


tas raison de pas y croire

c'est une intox qui a déja été demonté sur un autre site.

"Moi,,,,,, Vous!Nous somme tous,,, 1"(Mohamed Ali)
25 mai 2005 22:42
Merci ...
Un Chleuh parmi tant d'autre ...
25 mai 2005 22:52
Salut Angelo ,

Moi je dis vive jellaba , Na !!! hihi

Et de toute façon je ne m'habille que chez ma couturiere , lalla fatma ! hihi
25 mai 2005 22:59
siryne a écrit:
> Salut Angelo ,
> Moi je dis vive jellaba , Na !!! hihi
> Et de toute façon je ne m'habille que chez ma
> couturiere , lalla fatma ! hihi
> siryne

J'adoooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee les femmes en jellaba , ça les rends sexy...
Un Chleuh parmi tant d'autre ...
25 mai 2005 23:02
Du calme l'Angelo ,

On est plus à l'ile , robinson la coloniser ! hihi

Et c'est vendredi qui fait le vigile , fais gaffe à toi ! hihi
25 mai 2005 23:07
c de l intox cet interview n'a jamais existé
26 mai 2005 13:28
C'est du n'importe koi
Seules deux choses sont infinies, l'univers et la stupidité de l'homme
26 mai 2005 15:02
excuse moi angelo mais a ce qui parait ta étai mal informé je ne dirait que jaime bien tommy hilfiger mais il ce trouve que ce ne sont que de fausse rumeur!!
jvous explique:

False rumors alleging that fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger made racist statements on Oprah Winfrey's show are circulating (again) by email

The topic of this week's sermon is the Ninth Commandment of Moses: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."

Allow me to cast the first stone.

A whole lot of nice, earnest folks who surely don't consider themselves liars are using the Internet to spread a false and libelous rumor about fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger.

It comes to them in the form of a forwarded email message. They read it, they either believe it to be true or don't care if it's true, and they pass it on to friends, associates and people they hardly even know with the click of a mouse button.

Knowingly or not, each one of these people thus becomes a link in a growing chain of lies.

Here's one version of the rumor:

" Tommy Hilfiger hates us..."

Did you see the recent Oprah Winfrey show on which Tommy Hilfiger was a guest? Oprah asked Hilfiger if his alleged statements about people of color were true - he's been accused of saying things such as "If I had known that African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians would buy my clothes, I would not have made them so nice," and "I wish those people would not buy my clothes - they were made for upper-class whites." What did he say when Oprah asked him if he said these things? He said "Yes." Oprah immediately asked Hilfiger to leave her show.

Now, let's give Hilfiger what he's asked for - let's not buy his clothes. Boycott! Please - pass this message along.

As I say, that's just one version – the sanitized, "politically correct" one, if you will. A more popular and impolite variant goes like this:

" Did you see this show - Nov. 28th.
For those who missed the Oprah Winfrey show where she interviewed the fashion designer, he made a VERY RACIST remark regarding the people that purchase his clothing line... Summed up, he basically said that if he had known that so many chinamen and niggers were going to buy his clothes, he never would have made it so nice....... After which, Oprah kindly asked him to leave. Now that we all know that he is a BIG TIME RACIST, my suggestion is that we and all of our friends should boycott the TOMMY HILFIGER line. I don't see any point in supporting someone who has such a narrow mind...

What a jerk this guy is! Yeah, if it weren't for us CHINAMEN and NIGGERS, does he think he can be where he is today?????

Please forward this to everyone you know, he really does not deserve anyone's support at all.

All lies, from top to bottom. Hurtful and scandalous lies.
I know some members of the congregation must be wondering: "How does I know that?"
Well, the answer is quite simple: I looked it up, friends, just as any one of you could have looked it up before you sent it off in all directions out in cyberspace. It took all of two minutes to find the answers.

Try it youself. Go to Google and do a search on the keywords "hilfiger racist."

Among other interesting results, you'll find a link to the USA Today article entitled "Designer Hilfiger Disputes Net Rumors of Racism." Hilfiger has never appeared on Oprah, the article declares. It goes on to quote a statement from a company representative:

"The facts are simple and incontrovertible. Tommy Hilfiger did not make the alleged inappropriate racial comments. ... Whether these rumors are part of a misunderstanding or a deliberate act of malice, they have absolutely no basis in fact."

It takes a bit more time and digging to locate it, but there's also an informative New York Times article online in which the Hilfiger Company states hopefully, "The circulation of the false information on the Internet appears to be declining."

That was in 1997. Sad to say, Hilfiger is still learning how hard it is to kill Internet rumors.
if you're still not convinced there is also the best resource of all: The urban legends references pages you can check out( at
Type "hilfiger" into the handy search box there and you'll be treated to "Tommy Rot," Barbara Mikkelson's well-researched article debunking the pernicious rumor. She explains how essentially the same story haunted designer Liz Claiborne(it's one of my favourite ones smiling smiley )for many years before it became attached to Tommy Hilfiger. You'll come away with a bit of historical perspective, and the truth.
You might also consider visiting Oprah Winfrey's own site to see what she has to say. Turns out she did a special segment during her January 11, 1999 show specifically to put this lie to rest. "Mr. Hilfiger has never appeared on the show," reads the synopsis. "In fact, Oprah has never even met him."go to the site and check by your self you won't lose anything!
Lastly, to find out what Mr. Hilfiger himself has to say about all this, why not visit the Tommy Hilfiger Website and look for his official statement?there you can see black(and not nigger as pleople say!) and Asians wearing his clothes so if he really said what people read he wouldn't let them wear... It's all right there in black and white.(check out the picture at his web site (
Well that's all what I wanted to say and angelo"chapeau pour cpoier coller winking smiley smiling smiley hhhihi) I just wanted to informe you and people who read your article because I first believed it but then I checked and.....
see you angelo take care smiling smiley
(ps: si jamais il ya quelqu'un qui veut que je lui clarifisse kelke chose quil ou quelle se gene srtt pas jsuis la pour ca )
see you!
26 mai 2005 17:15
[b]"Quand le dernier arbre aura été abattu - Quand la dernière rivière aura été empoisonnée - Quand le dernier poisson aura été péché - Alors on saura que l'argent ne se mange pas."[/b] [i]Géronimo[/i]
26 mai 2005 17:53
j'aime pas cette marque

par contre je Kiffe trop 3 autres:



26 mai 2005 18:02
Rlaph lauren :smiling smiley
26 mai 2005 20:02
De ce que je sais, c'est que cette nouvelle est très vrai par contre, elle est loin d'être récente. Hilfiger a fait cette déclaration il a de nombreuses années quand sa marque commencait à envahir les rayons nord-américains et que les vedettes hip-hop ont commencé à les porter. J'ai déjà organisé une campagne de promotion pour un film sur les DJ au Canada et nous avons été commandité par la marque Tommy Hilfiger. La directrice du marketing Tommy Canada nous en a appris de bien bonne.

Même qu'en réaction à cette déclaration de Hilfiger, des designers afro-américains ont créé une marque pour compétitionner Tommy Hilfiger. Cette marque est FUBU que vous connaissez surement. FUBU veut en fait dire For Us, By Us. Traduction: Pour Nous, Par Nous. Donc créé par des noirs et portez par des noirs.

Si vous voulez porter des actions contre le racisme de Tommy Hilfiger, c'est du FUBU que vous devriez porter.
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