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study in canada
29 September 2016 21:23
hey there i just want to get some infos and i have nowhere to go but internet , i'm a moroccan girl just got my ba and already applied fora master program here i already had my heart on the sleeve about studying in Canada . i mean it's such a dream i really wanna go there but whenever i ask people are like don't even think about it it's mega expensive you have nobody there so what are you thinking . but to be honest i want to go there i feel like i'm meant to be in this place . taking in consideration that i'm an english literature student ! so can anyone give me a bit of help : how much it cost , is it easy to find a job while studyiing .... stuff like that i'll be greatfull Xxxxx
29 September 2016 23:24
Wassup gurl
Tbh it's kinda complicated to go if you have nobody no friends no family ..
And yes it's expensive !! Really expensive ... you need like 10k euros for a year so ..

And for finding a job you need special paper and a boss before going to Canada who will prove that you will work for him bla bla

Canada it's an amazing country but I think you should try UK first it's near and a good country too ...
Hope I helped you
Good luck sis
9 February 2017 12:37
good luck man!
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