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Please help by advicing me ,because i am suffering
13 octobre 2016 07:46
I’m in love with a man for 2 years, he is older than me, 23 years.
He has 51 years and I have 28 years.
I accepted him because he was religious man, respectful and ready for marriage.
So I said to myself if he wants you in halal why refusing him.
This was living in abroad and I in my country somewhere in East Africa.
I have waited him 2 years because his mother was suffering and was the only one who was supporting her financially.
When his mother passed away he came back to homeland.
But the issue is since I have met this man till today we got problems.
Because he is someone who is not affective and never shows me what he feels towards me.
I was always the one who is running after him, calling him and texting me.
My parents were against our union but I convinced them to accept him.
I did many times salaat istikhara asking Allah helps.
Now it’s 4 days I do not call or text that man and he never thinks to do it.
I told him many times to let me know if he is not ready to get married with me.
He never gives me clear answer and I told his sisters, they told me to wait him.
Because he is facing some issues with the customs regarding his shipment.
I am not trying to narrate you my personal life but I am here to ask you advices through your experiences in life.

May Allah bless you!!
13 octobre 2016 07:55
Salam anlaykum

You are 28 and him 51 years old 23 years difference. Ok you said to do salat istikhara what's the results about this one? Honestly I don't think it's the good man for you. My advice is continue to pray ALLAH gives you husband you'll deserve . May ALLAH helps you
13 octobre 2016 08:23

Difficult to answer this madness. however. He wants to marry abroad and be housed
and nurtured by you. 52 years and still hope to immigrate? No comment.

Mara al saliha01 a écrit:
I’m in love with a man for 2 years, he is older than me, 23 years.
He has 51 years and I have 28 years.
I accepted him because he was religious man, respectful and ready for marriage.
So I said to myself if he wants you in halal why refusing him.
This was living in abroad and I in my country somewhere in East Africa.
I have waited him 2 years because his mother was suffering and was the only one who was supporting her financially.
When his mother passed away he came back to homeland.
But the issue is since I have met this man till today we got problems.
Because he is someone who is not affective and never shows me what he feels towards me.
I was always the one who is running after him, calling him and texting me.
My parents were against our union but I convinced them to accept him.
I did many times salaat istikhara asking Allah helps.
Now it’s 4 days I do not call or text that man and he never thinks to do it.
I told him many times to let me know if he is not ready to get married with me.
He never gives me clear answer and I told his sisters, they told me to wait him.
Because he is facing some issues with the customs regarding his shipment.
I am not trying to narrate you my personal life but I am here to ask you advices through your experiences in life.

May Allah bless you!!
13 octobre 2016 08:38
Slm nan t'as pas compris c elle qui vit en Afrique de l'ouest et qui souhaite émigrer je suppose
baliygh75 a écrit:

Difficult to answer this madness. however. He wants to marry abroad and be housed
and nurtured by you. 52 years and still hope to immigrate? No comment.

13 octobre 2016 09:00
It"s amazing!
But it's very difficult for me to answer.
This man is not very young (53 old years the material is not optimized....) and you are 28 old years that it to say in the prime of the life.
Ok this man is fantastic but the future what is the future ?
I don't know.
Take care.

Today it's beautiful day with the birds.

Best regards.
13 octobre 2016 09:17
dear Sister,

many thanks for your response and advice.
please make some duaa for me .

may Alrahman bless you incha'Allah!!
13 octobre 2016 09:27
Dear Sister,

could you please give me some advices that would help me to take him out of my heart ,because i deeply love this guy and this makes me suffering.
13 octobre 2016 10:15

En fait elle vit n Afrique de l'est et lui vivait à l'étanger, là il doit rentrer au pays (chez elle) pour qu'ils se marient
sinjini a écrit:
Slm nan t'as pas compris c elle qui vit en Afrique de l'ouest et qui souhaite émigrer je suppose
13 octobre 2016 10:19

if he has problems with customs, it means that he's coming back to you isn't it?
so wait for him those problems won't last for ever
13 octobre 2016 10:58
really i don't know because he started to talk with me badly ,it's like you do not have the desire to communicate with someone.
if he has problems with customs,it doesnt mean that he cannot find time even 1 minute for asking about me if i do it as i used,calling him every day.
13 octobre 2016 11:53
he's the only one who can answer your questions, may be he doesn't want to talk because of his issues or he changed his mind

tell him that this situation (not talking) can't last and that he must talk to you, you're right to know what he really wants to do with you
Mara al saliha01 a écrit:
really i don't know because he started to talk with me badly ,it's like you do not have the desire to communicate with someone.
if he has problems with customs,it doesnt mean that he cannot find time even 1 minute for asking about me if i do it as i used,calling him every day.
13 octobre 2016 11:54
Forget him. You will probably meet a man who deserves you inchallah
Mara al saliha01 a écrit:
really i don't know because he started to talk with me badly ,it's like you do not have the desire to communicate with someone.
if he has problems with customs,it doesnt mean that he cannot find time even 1 minute for asking about me if i do it as i used,calling him every day.
13 octobre 2016 12:37


sinjini a écrit:
Slm nan t'as pas compris c elle qui vit en Afrique de l'ouest et qui souhaite émigrer je suppose
13 octobre 2016 12:50

C'est génial, je savais pas que je comprenais l'anglais
Trop cooooooool Danse

Dslée posteuse, en revanche je ne saurai répondre
in english
De plus j'ai dû mal à comprendre ce que tu aimes vraiment !

13 octobre 2016 12:55
Elle a sûrement rien du comprendre à vos réponsessmiling smiley
13 octobre 2016 12:57

Ouuuuh, ça clash sévère là
grinning smiley

D'la vieille école a écrit:
Elle a sûrement rien du comprendre à vos réponsessmiling smiley
13 octobre 2016 13:10
THROW HIM AWAY FOR GOD SAKE and DON'T listen to his sisters
13 octobre 2016 13:21

And three little birds are singing ..
Cryxus a écrit:
It"s amazing!
But it's very difficult for me to answer.
This man is not very young (53 old years the material is not optimized....) and you are 28 old years that it to say in the prime of the life.
Ok this man is fantastic but the future what is the future ?
I don't know.
Take care.

Today it's beautiful day with the birds.

Best regards.
13 octobre 2016 14:07
My tailor is rich...!
Jennett a écrit:

And three little birds are singing ..
13 octobre 2016 14:11
Pourquoi des fois tu causes en français et là en anglais..?

Mara al saliha01 [ MP ]

Fatiguée par notre relation

Salaam aleykoum mes sœurs,

Je suis amoureuse d’un homme depuis 2 ans, celui-ci est plus âgé que moi , 23 ans.
Nous comptons nous marier dont pas longtemps si Allah le veut inha’Allah.
Mais moi et cette personne nous rencontrons toujours des problèmes.
Et à chaque moi c’est qui cause ça parce que je suis la seule qui fait des efforts dans cette relation.
Parce que je suis la seule qui montre ce que j’éprouve pour lui, il est egoiste pour partager ce qu’il ressent.
Il dit que l’amour vient après le mariage et ce qui ce le respect.
Moi je suis très collante à lui, folle de lui, depuis le début jusqu’ ‘aujourd’hui cettte relation m’a fatigué, me fait pleurer et me met en dépression.
C’est un homme delaissé 2 fois et par 2 femmes .
Me traite t’il ainsi parce qu’il est delaissé ,perdu confiance en femme ou parce que je suis trop possesive.
S’il vous plait aider moi et orienter moi."
T'es zarbi toi...perplexe
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