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Moroccan Marry italien girl.. hard me if there is any ideas
8 August 2018 12:55
hello everyone
i m zak 28years old live in casablanca and meet an italien girl 38years old live in taly and after a while of frienship we fall in love and she come to morocco to see me
anyway she did go back an year ago to italy she had a deploma to finish and now she is waiting onley her devorce to come here to marry me .
she do love me nd i never find a girl love me like her even i make mistakes nd hurts her many times she stied and she insist to take me from here
the problem is that love is become a shock when it face the reality .. we both broke .. i have a work here but is not enough becuse i cant save nd i m taking respansibilty of my family nd about her she didnt work for a long time but she do saving what she can
she deciding to come to morocco nd get marry nd we can go elsewhere to find a work nd start to built a futur becuse i cant hold her here in morocco

dear friends sorry if i take along my issue is that i dont know what to do or how to start
and my question is if there is anyone have the same situation
from where i have to start or there is any ideas that would help me after marriage means where i have to go with her nd start a life nd how much i will need from money becuse i may borow money but i still dont know what is the right decision to take please if there is anyone did go before to a country and start would give me an idea
sorry dear friends if i took long but somtimes y feel helpless nd u have to do yr best to not let go easy .
8 August 2018 13:42
bon, c'est un peu hors sujet mais voila
pourquoi tu postes en anglais ? moody smiley
8 August 2018 13:59
Hello ,

If tou think it’s a good thing for you , you can marry her but be careful : don’t play with her heart .
You are 28 and she is 38 .... do you want any children with her or not .
Does she have any job ?
I hope it’s not only an opportunity for you this woman.
8 August 2018 14:42
C'est un peu étrange son historique, il sors que la femme avec qui il veux se marier attends son divorce, aurait elle divorcé pour lui?

Si c'est le cas c'est tellement malsain, et une femme dangereuse au passage
8 August 2018 16:36
is beacuse i speak only english

--no she is not just an uportunity for me she become a muslim so is my duty to take care of her even prophet Mohamed maried a women older then him and yes i want a kid with her
she is a chief but she dont have a job

-- she was devorced before she get know me she is waiting only the final paper of devorce not get devorce for me
8 August 2018 16:37
Hello Zak

You guys can try London, I did it myself a few year ago with a couple of thousand euros to start a new life.

Your english sounds good enough for you to live there, and there is plenty of morrocan and italian around so it's all good!
hello everyone
i m zak 28years old live in casablanca and meet an italien girl 38years old live in taly and after a while of frienship we fall in love and she come to morocco to see me
anyway she did go back an year ago to italy she had a deploma to finish and now she is waiting onley her devorce to come here to marry me .
she do love me nd i never find a girl love me like her even i make mistakes nd hurts her many times she stied and she insist to take me from here
the problem is that love is become a shock when it face the reality .. we both broke .. i have a work here but is not enough becuse i cant save nd i m taking respansibilty of my family nd about her she didnt work for a long time but she do saving what she can
she deciding to come to morocco nd get marry nd we can go elsewhere to find a work nd start to built a futur becuse i cant hold her here in morocco

dear friends sorry if i take along my issue is that i dont know what to do or how to start
and my question is if there is anyone have the same situation
from where i have to start or there is any ideas that would help me after marriage means where i have to go with her nd start a life nd how much i will need from money becuse i may borow money but i still dont know what is the right decision to take please if there is anyone did go before to a country and start would give me an idea
sorry dear friends if i took long but somtimes y feel helpless nd u have to do yr best to not let go easy .
8 August 2018 22:42
hello Decapre

thank y very much i learn it just in morocco by my self
we did indeed think about London but they get out from europ united we need a visa even she has double citizen ship usa and italy

i was thinking about LIncon .. london is more expansive now

if u think is good please give me an idea for how much rant for a small apart to start please and thank y for yr help i need move before 2019 Nshalah
Hello Zak

You guys can try London, I did it myself a few year ago with a couple of thousand euros to start a new life.

Your english sounds good enough for you to live there, and there is plenty of morrocan and italian around so it's all good!
13 December 2018 12:53
Think about the lifestyle. She might be muslim, but it doesnt mean she gave up on her lifestyle and culture.

In certain cases, ive seen women who convert to islam but still wanna go out clubbing with her friends, in a number of occasions even alcohol is involved. Be prepared to deal with such things. Also that she might meet some of her male friends, greet them by kissing from the cheeks, travel with her friends. Another point to keep in mind is when childeren get into the picture, what names and religions will be chosen? will she object you taking them to mosque? will you object them having boyfriends/girlfriends coming over to the house and sleeping over?

The above might sound absurd to some, but to others its not.
14 March 2019 20:57
Ah that's a tough situation. I would say go for it if you guys really love each other. You will def go through hardship and problems but in the end it might be worth it. If you have doubts on how you feel about her, then call it off.
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