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Les Juifs askenaze ne sont pas sémite
30 juin 2013 13:59
bouloulou4 t'es un sioniste ? t'es juifs ? c'est quoi ton projet ? t'es payé par l'ambassade israélienne toi aussi ? t'es pas crédible arrêtes.
3 août 2015 07:42
Génétiquement, l'origine sémitique des Juifs ashkénazes est estimé à 19% pour J-12f2b et 19% pour J-M172 selon : ici

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Outside the Caucasus, the highest frequencies of J2 are observed in Cyprus (37%), Crete (34%), northern Iraq (28%), Lebanon (26%), Turkey (24%, with peaks of 30% in the Marmara region and in central Anatolia), Greece (23%), Central Italy (23%), Sicily (23%), South Italy (21.5%), and Albania (19.5%), as well as among Jewish people (19 to 25%).

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In Arabic countries, J1 climaxes among the Marsh Arabs of South Iraq (81%), the Sudanese Arabs (73%), the Yemeni (72%), the Bedouins (63%), the Qatari (58%), the Saudi (40%), the Omani (38%) and the Palestinian Arabs (38%). High percentages are also observed in the United Arab Emirates (35%), coastal Algeria (35%), Jordan (31%), Syria (30%), Tunisia (30%), Egypt (21%) and Lebanon (20%). Most of the Arabic J1 belongs to the J1c3 variety.

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Nowadays, high frequencies of R1a are found in Poland (57.5% of the population), Ukraine (40 to 65%), European Russia (45 to 65%), Belarus (51%), Slovakia (42%), Latvia (40%), Lithuania (38%), the Czech Republic (34%), Hungary (32%), Norway (27%), Austria (26%), Croatia (24%), north-east Germany (24%) Sweden (19%), and Romania (18%).
30 juin 2020 12:07
en effet. qui peut croire que jésus de nazareth était blond aux yeux bleus ?