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HELP lettre de motivation
1 juillet 2013 18:39
Salam alaykoum smiling smiley

j'ai besoin d'aide au sujet d'une lettre de motivation que je dois ecrire pour pouvoir entrer en section europeenne d'anglais au lycee . Pouvez vous m'aider a corriger mes erreurs ?Vous pouvez aussi me proposer d'autres formulations...
Barak allah oufikoum !

Dear madam,
I am writing you this cover letter in order to demonstrate my movitation and my determination to join the European section of my high school next year.

I want to improve my capacities in English .
This section is a nice way to learn about the anglophone countries culture and history.

In my opinion speaking this language fluently is really important . It's a real advantage for my future career,for travel and everyday life .

I know that this section would give me more work but I'm a serious and motivated student .

For me, it would be an honor to integrate this english section .

Hoping a positive response, thank you very much for your time and attention .
1 juillet 2013 21:49
Faites moi au moins part de vos remarques smiling smiley

Barak allah oufikoum
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