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Frais de tenue de compte chez ATTIJARIWAFA BANK
18 septembre 2022 20:41
Re: Frais de tenue de compte:

1. Early this year, I received my Releve compte Bancaire from my bank: Attijariwafa bank and when I checked my statement, I noticed that they taken 47.78 DH without my approval.
2. I contacted Attijariwafa Bank requesting an explanation and price list of their services. I have had no reply. I have sent 4 reminders and again no reply was forthcoming.
3. When I visited Morocco last May,the branchManager/Chef d'Agence Ms Salima Elhander told me that "it was not taken from your account but it was listed for information only due to Bank Al-Maghrib policy".I Showed her my bank statements and it was indeed deducted.
4. I requested a printed copy of the Bank charges. The branch manager told me that the bank does not have one. Therefore, I send a complaint to the bank's complaint Department last June. Again, despite 4 reminders, the bank simply ignored me. Therefore, I contacted Bank Al-Maghrib and they agreed to help.
5. When I visited Rabat from 8-15 September, 2022, I discovered that other bank too do not provide printed prices of their service to their but tell them orally how much it will be, which you can not legal rely on in any Court Proceedings.
This is clearly puzzling, particularly as Banks World Wide publish the cost of their service and is available to their customers with or without request.
Personally, when I return to Morocco next November, I will simply close my account. I do not need Attijariwafa bank, they need me and my money.
Your readers, should know thank banks in Morocco use their money for their own benefit without any interest to customers.

I would be interested to hear from your readers experience,

Mohamed Ben-Madani
20 janvier 2023 17:03
Bank Chaabi as well isn't clear with their fees of functionnement. For instance, the bank deducts money if the account is not provided with funds regurlarly. I only subscribed for an insurance and the counsellor didn't give me the right prices or on how not to be deducted each month... I'm about to cancel this service.
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