Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
compenser le délaissement des prières obligatoires
7 décembre 2007 11:42
ATTENTION: "compenser" ne dit pas "remplacer"

There are two kinds of Nawafil [VOLONTAIRE] which are performed before or after the obligatory prayer. Firstly, the one which were performed by the Prophet (PBUH) more frequently. According to the present Hadith, their total comes to ten Rak`ah while in other Ahadith their total is twelve or fourteen Rak`ah. They are called Sunnah Mu'akkadah [ASSURÉE] or As-Sunnan Ar-Rawatib [SURÉROGATION: Ce qu’on fait de bien au-delà de ce qu’on est obligé de faire, ce qui n’est pas précisément d’obligation] That is, the Rak`ah which are proved from the saying and practice of the Prophet (PBUH) and which were performed by him usually. These are said to be Compulsory prayers. Secondly, such Nawafil which were not performed by the Prophet (PBUH) regularly. These are called Sunnah Ghair Mu'akkadah [NON ASSURÉE] and are said to be optional prayers. In any case, Nawafil have great importance in creating a special link between the worshipper and Allah, and for this reason the believers do not neglect them. But their status in Shari`ah is of Nawafil the performing of which is rewarding and omission of which is not sinful. One thing that should be borne in mind in respect of As-Sunnan Ar-Rawatib or Mu'akkadah is that it is better to perform them at home. This was the usual practice of the Prophet (PBUH), and this is what he ordained the Muslims. >>> SOURCE

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1. RAWATIB: pratiquees regulierement par le prophete sws et enseignees par lui-meme
2. .............: pratiquees ir-regulierement


Modifié 3 fois. Dernière modification le 10/12/07 11:55 par reda (casa).
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10 décembre 2007 10:42
trop d'anglais pour moiperplexe
10 décembre 2007 11:57
lis juste ce qu'il y a par dessous la ligne "--------"
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