Sujets sur forum moirk
Source un journal francais: Un Afghan converti au christianisme a été arrêté et risque la peine de mort s'il refuse de redevenir musulman, conformément à la loi islamique de la charia, ont ...Suite
Rahman, a father of two, was arrested last week and is now awaiting trial for rejecting Islam. He told local police, whom he approached on an unrelated matter, that he had converted to Christianity. ...Suite
[Général] L'orgueil du savoir est pire que l'ignorance
7 mars 2006 à 11:36 [6 messages]
Que pensez vous de cette ...Suite
Cannon of “Free Speech” versus “Sword of Jihadism” Polarization is Fuelling Extremism and Hindering the Spread of Democratic Values Najah Kadhim* The publication of the ...Suite
Le hamas a apparement gagné les elections........................... Alors bon ou mauvais ????? Die radikal-moslemische Hamas-Bewegung hat nach Angaben aus Kreisen der regierenden Fatah ...Suite
[Morocco # English board] Paris burns
8 novembre 2005 à 09:01 [13 messages] Paris Burns Again Let's Roast Frankfurters November 7, 2005 Paris burns, crackling and popping as merrily as a Yule log when England was still ...Suite
[Morocco # English board] Things that Offend Islam
7 novembre 2005 à 09:24 [5 messages]
Things that Offend Islam Written by Barbara J. Stock Saturday, September 24, 2005 Burger King will be withdrawing and changing the logo for its ice cream cups because, if one ...Suite
[Morocco # English board] SHITTY LITTLE COUNTRY
26 octobre 2005 à 08:44 [11 messages]
This is just a copy/paste SHITTY LITTLE COUNTRY -- or so says the French Ambassador to Great Britain > The Middle East has been growing date palms for centuries. The average > tree is ...Suite
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