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Women march and Tsahal response.
7 November 2006 20:53
7 November 2006 21:04
when will this end, if it ever does? i'm just wondering....
7 November 2006 21:09
it's heroic, but not very smart...
god, asking women to be human shields? i dont understand this, it's madness...
7 November 2006 21:09
I saw it next door there's about it, it's horrible.
There was a piece on Haaretz that caught my attention, even israeli civil society is now denouncing the cold blooded way Tsahal is acting.
There's an old saying I've heard once, "when your friends and foes alike are telling you the same thing, then you must be wrong", the IDF are out of control.
It's sad and there's no end in sight.

7 November 2006 21:14
chelhman you made me think about what i saw on some news, it was about Iraq...
the "terrorists", and i mean the people fighting following Ben Laden's call were angry because most of their actions were against Iraqui civilians than US troops or Iraqui troops...

back of morals? hope? dunno...

but it's sad to see women in danger, and the IDF shouldnt push too far...
7 November 2006 21:58
salam alaykum

their attention was not to be human shield their reaction was spontanious to protest against the israeli army barbary, it was to bring help (any help ) to their brothers sons husbands neighbor .... that were imprisoned ,the last thing they would think about, it is heroic act.
7 November 2006 23:03
sarah70 i heard that it was "following a call from the radio"...

i need a good info to decide.
if there was call for a "human shield", then it sucks... it's crazy to ask people to get in front of machine guns... and more when it's an Israeli machine gun... some of these guys would shoot just for fun, i wouldnt trust them.
8 November 2006 08:52
Does anyone in the world really keep tally on how many Palestinians were killed by Israelis? Does anyone care?

8 November 2006 12:53
the best website to critisize Israel i know about is:

and i'm glad it's mad by US ane Euro people, not just an anti-Israel website... there is plenty of these, not useful at all.
8 November 2006 14:04
Excellent website LeMask, thanks.
You're not all that bad after all.smiling smiley
8 November 2006 15:03
hahaha not that bad... ROFL, all we need is a common enemy lol

nah, kidding, but the website is interesting... a lot of Americans defend the Israelis like if they were angels... and they spit on you when you tell them that they are very very aggressive, and that they dont give a damn about rules of engagement, they provoke terrorism by very unfair actions made with excessive force...

and when they get attacked with the poor means of their victims (Palestinians) (terrorism is the only answer they can give) they jump on the occasion to use their force at 100% with the excuse of "they are just terrorists"...

we have to give human rights to everybody, even the terrorists, because they werent born like that, something or someone made them into that...

so USA and Israel (the governments in general) i put them all in the same bag... just worthless people playing with the lives of human beings...

the terrorism is just a primitive response... a natural one...
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