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What to do in friday night?
27 January 2006 23:40
I just arrived in Morocco,
I m alone here in Casablanca,
I have no idea of what to do,
I m not trying to find a date, just to meet some people.

077 871 801

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2006 11:41 by arnormal.
29 January 2006 05:07

Usually on Friday nights they have Quranic readings at mosques. Maybe you can take a look.
29 January 2006 10:58
It's a very good idea Mdlazreg smiling smiley ...
Tout homme peut être Père ... mais il n'est pas donné à tout le monde d'être un Papa ...
29 January 2006 15:02
Thank you, what a nice idea,
maybe it's better to plan something for the saturday night...
Any idea?
31 January 2006 04:29
saturday night , u can go and give some charity to needy people
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
31 January 2006 20:41
heheheh you guys are so funny the guy is trying to find a date and you are ....grinning smiley may be one of you can hook him woith one of your friends there

I'm just kidding bro grinning smiley
1 February 2006 19:45
Probably the best way is to go back to europe for the week-ends, it's more funny over there.

Morocco can be funny outside of Casablanca,

Thanks to y'all



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2006 07:49 by arnormal.
2 February 2006 23:11
Arno, do you live there now ? or are you just visiting ? I assume Islamic Countries have different customs, especially since friday is a Holy Day..Didn't anyone explain to you ?.Maybe you better forget about fridays, and go out Saturday and Sunday..There must be something to do overe there, but I think
" when you go to Morocco , do as the moroccans do " ..Good luck...smiling smiley
3 February 2006 21:08
Thanks Gabri,
I know the customs of islamic Countries and I respect.
It s just that i m working during the week in Casablanca and it seems to me that there is nothing to do if you are alone. Nothing is made to meet people. As a consultant i'm pretty alone the whole day and at night if I go in a bar, its difficult to talk with people. Morocco is a country where the family is very important. If you don't have family or friends who can introduce you, it's very difficult.
So for my week-ends i will continue tu return in Europe.
Maybe in summer time it will be easier to find some friends.
4 February 2006 18:51
Salaam arnormal,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nothing is made to meet people.

I told you to go to the mosques! that is a guranteed way of finding friends. Even brothers and a big family.

What language do you speak other than english?
6 February 2006 10:28
I m sure the mosques is a good place for muslims to find people but I m not.

I speak also spanish and french of course. But no arabic at all...
6 February 2006 15:50
Arno, I would feel uncomfortable in a Mosque also, but then again, I have never visited one..Perhaps they might be very friendly and approach you if you tell them you are a foreigner, who knows.. smiling smiley
6 February 2006 18:19
Well I see that everybody think that the key for finding people in Casablanca is to go in a Mosque. Or, even better, helping neady people (I allready pay my maid too much and she never come...).
I really apreciate those solutions but i want to assure y'all that i will never go in a holly place just to find friends. If somebody go to a Mosque it's because he wants to PRAY (touristic visits not include)...
Or maybe I have to launch a new sect for unfriendly casaoui, who can't go to a mosque just for relational reasons...
7 February 2006 03:07
Arno, its a totally different way of life, we cannot begin to compare it with western society .
It would be better if you had come to Morocco with someone you know, but hopefully as time goes by, you'll get to meet people , tourists maybe as the season for vacations approaches...Don't give up yet.smiling smiley
7 February 2006 07:12
Hi abnormal;

If you're working during the week, invite one of your co-workers/ colleagues to happy hour...I see that you use the term "casaoui" which tells me you're adapting...take a trip to La cote but be careful what you wish for...casaouiyat might be dangerous...they party hard!
Good luck.
7 February 2006 10:58
He thanks for your suggestions,
Gabri : I know it s a different way of life but religious thing are not done for socialization. I'm sure if i ask a muslim what he think about me in a mosque for unreligious matter, he will think that i m crazy guy. I want to definitely close the fact that I m going to find people in a mosquee, that is totaly absurb; I d like to call that spiritual hyporisy.

Yani : Thank you also for your recommendation, but at I may say it before, I don t have co-workers or colleagues. If that was the case, I assure you that I would have already tones of friends. I ve travelled a lot since I arrive, mostly to Europe, I agree, but I ve been to Marrakech, Essaouira, Rabat, Fes, meknes and some others cities here in Morocco. I had a contact with hundreds of morocan, but i ve never been able to create contact here in Casablanca. But you are right, as spring is comming i ll probably met some people outside on the beach or somewhere else.
As you told I m trying to adapt my self, I've visited every part of casablanca, from la corniche, to derb ghallef, to even the ship market in derb sultan (incredible), i start learning golf, i go regularly to luxurious place to see if there is any tourist which i can speak with, etc...

thanks to yall again, spring is arriving hoppefully,...
11 February 2006 08:14
Hi everyone,

I suggest you take membership in a sport club (gym , tennis or swimming) since you can meet a lot of Moroccans and if you tell theme you are living alone they will probably invite you to their home or for going out.

There are a lot of Moroccan websites where you can fide information about where to go in Casablanca. Tray some of the Moroccan forums with members form Casablanca. There you could make some friends.

Good luck!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2006 08:17 by Ilhem2.
13 March 2006 12:49
if you keep asking What to do in friday night you'll find yourselfe still asking what to do in friday night so you will keep asking untile sunday night loooooooool
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