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Online Dating/Marriage
13 August 2008 22:31
I have a very simple question and I hope people treat it with lots of deep and sincere thinking.

Is there anyone who started an online romantic relationship that later developed into marriage?

If so, were there in surprises after marriage and how did you handle them?

These are a few questions to those who have lived the virtual romantice experience and have some good feedback for those who plan on relying on internet to find their love.

Please share your story and your experience with us.
17 August 2008 06:46
Hello my dear!

if you want to get married then go and get yourself a woman! a real one!

can you really trust what is behind your screen? i don't think so!

i have never lived what you call a 'virtual romantic experience' and i don't know the meaning honestly

but i do believe in the possibility of a concrete relationship to work.

i had intense moments IN REAL LIFE with my ex boyfriend that i can't actually imagine linving sitting

at home chattin with strangers...

maybe i didnt answer your questions but i just felt like i had to tell you this and now it's up to you

choose weather you want to live or to fantasy =) good luck
17 August 2008 16:14
I got to disagree with you l7ajja. I have met my fiancee through the internet, and we are planning to get married at the end of the year. I guess its your luck and your naseeb. What i can say is look around and dont be intimidated, if god wills you will find your other half
18 August 2008 16:09
hi sebou3,
i have lived the virtual experience, verything was as in real life and we are married now.
i was lucky and i find out that he was telling me the truth not 100% of it but what i discovered as lies was not so bad, elhamdolilah but as we say idiha krim wela z3im wela mardi lewaldine. make sure that you are not doing something you will regeret after and be sure that you will never know what is she really till you live with her and it`s the same when you meet someone in real life it`s exactly the same.
goog luck
19 August 2008 23:35
yes, you can find your soulmate by internet and many people that I know in US, got marrried too it's up to you and to your behind the screen's person.
well, you can find good and bad people but still you should take a chance et your nassib plays a lot, so l7ajja not everybody is the same? but give a try!

ps: I met my husband in US but not by internet. HameouAllah he's a good guy!
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
22 August 2008 15:33
it seems like everybody's comments are encouraging to a certain extent. But as ladyamal said, people might not tell you the whole truth whether it be an online relationship or a more personal one. But how about moroccan couples who meet online. Do moroccans take the relationship seriously?

I have a friend who got married after she met her husband online. They started off very quickly but then things got bad even before they got married. They continued with their marriage plan but the marriage was short lived. She says she does not blame intenet for the short lived marriage because there were other issues like really bad character and also other immigration issues. She thinks he wanted to get married just to be able to live in the US.

Now I am thinking twice before I plan on venturing myself into an online based relationship. So for those like ladyamal or Moebek who say they met their other halves online, are your partners moroccans or they are from other nationalities. I know this very personal, so feel free not to answer. NYorkaise, you are not excluded, you can shed some light too though your experience is different and more traditional
22 August 2008 15:53
online dating is like fishing in a big sea, you can make it or you can lose it, of course tehre are bad people behind screen and good ones too, just you have to use your mind and to be careful and to be specific in what you want from a beginning ?
my experience with my husband was more traditional,he's a friend of my brother and he asked to marry me and I accepted, there was not that long relationship.I was lucky because he's ouled nass and a good father toosmiling smiley
as I said it's from the beginning you say what you wantsmiling smiley
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
28 August 2008 12:21
Let me talk about my experience...
One of my friend put me through with one of her friend..I talked to him for about 6 months on MSN: he seemed nice guy....moroccan, muslim....well he seemed cool..
He was the one who wanted to meet me up asap.....we tried to set up a date..

The date came up..I met him up once..nice guy, I had fun, but at the end I felt him not interested at all.. I felt disappointed about his behaviour because he was the one who was mostly interested...which means that he did not like me at all...

Now what I learnt from that experience, never ever I will get in touch with someone from internet..I prefer to see the person firstly...

But thanks God, there are nice stories about meeting people through internet..and then they got married...

As we say in arabic, It is MEKTOUB ALLAH.....

Inshallah lkheir....
28 August 2008 14:23
Coco Chanel
Let me talk about my experience...
One of my friend put me through with one of her friend..I talked to him for about 6 months on MSN: he seemed nice guy....moroccan, muslim....well he seemed cool..
He was the one who wanted to meet me up asap.....we tried to set up a date..

The date came up..I met him up once..nice guy, I had fun, but at the end I felt him not interested at all.. I felt disappointed about his behaviour because he was the one who was mostly interested...which means that he did not like me at all...

Now what I learnt from that experience, never ever I will get in touch with someone from internet..I prefer to see the person firstly...

But thanks God, there are nice stories about meeting people through internet..and then they got married...

As we say in arabic, It is MEKTOUB ALLAH.....

Inshallah lkheir....

rule number one: to never say never tongue sticking out smiley
take your chance and see.

sorry for my english i'm newbie grinning smiley
28 August 2008 16:11
Thanks Karimero....
Maybe it did not work with me, but it would probably do with you or someone else...we never know....Angel

(Your english is worries...)
30 August 2008 13:24
Salam Alaykum !

Firstly, Congrats to all those who met the Mrs. or Mr. Right through Internet ! (And I am one of them, grinning smiley We met 2years ago, and the last month we did celebrate our official engagement,it was fun, and I am so grateful to Allah that I met such a good man elhamdulilah ... and we will marry in few months inshallah !!!! Weld and benat nass mooojooodine! grinning smiley So no worries !

Well, Sebou3 my sister got married with a guy she "met" 8 years ago, he got her email address from a penpalling website. So, they exchanged many emails, they became good friends, after a while this friendship became love ....and then the decided to meet, but the funniest thing about this, that they used to take the same train, almost everyday ! But they've never seen each other ! Now they are happily married and got a lovely 4 years old son !! Sounds like a fairytale, but it is a true story!

PS : Those people behind the screens are no serial killers, not all of them anyway!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2008 01:26 by niatouh.
30 August 2008 15:28
hi there,

i met my husband on the "rencontres" section of this website, so i would definitely support the idea of meeting your spouse on line! having said that, i know a lot of people for whom the experience has been repeatedly turning sour; i would put it down to internet being a reflection of real life: you never know who you're going to bump into until you do !.
1 September 2008 18:46
Here is my story with online dating....

He had a 14 year old daughter, his mother was living with him here in the US, and he was in a no-ending divorce battle with his wife. Despite all the above, I really liked him. I liked his personality, his sense of humor, his ways of thinking, our long conversations on the phone...all up until we decided it was time to meet in person, and see if there is chemistry. He then started backing down, and decided that long distance relationships were not his thing, but yet he eneded up with a girl from Morocco. How far do we live from each other you may ask....2 1/2 hrs by plane.

Where did things go wrong? That remains the unsolved mistery.

The moral of the story is that I believe in online dating, but it's just not for me. You never know until you try it.

Good luck!

2 September 2008 16:54
Hi Houston,

It was not the good person.....sad smiley
We all went through nice and bad stories about online dating neither, I have not been enough lucky to find my lover through internetconfused smiley...
2 September 2008 16:56
Don't be sad Coco Chanel... inshallah you will !! winking smiley
2 September 2008 17:12
I tried online dating as well. I was continually deceived and my frustration changed to turn off. The most memorable experience was with that guy who forgot to mention he has a kid for couple of weekswinking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2008 05:13 by ATAY_BE_LEQAMA.
2 September 2008 17:22
I tried online dating as well. I was continually deceived and my frustration changed to turn off. The most memorable experience was with that guy who forgot to mention he has a kid for couple of weekswinking smiley

Not cooooool at all !! sad smiley May be he thought that if he will tell you the truth sinc the beginning, you won't go further!!
2 September 2008 18:01

"a guy who forgot to mention he has a kid for couple of weeks"?!?!?!?!? You would think this is the first topic he'd bring up with you or anyone else. Why can't people be honest and direct?

How did the conversation go following the big news smiling smiley ?
2 September 2008 18:12
I broke with him of course! It’s obvious I could not believe him anymore: “A liar is not believed even though he tells the truth.…”
3 September 2008 14:52
I broke with him of course! It’s obvious I could not believe him anymore: “A liar is not believed even though he tells the truth.…”

You have had a good reaction.....smiling smiley
There is no way to go ahead with the liar..but as it has been said earlier..he would have thought that if he has told you the truth, you would not get involved in that relationship...Allah oualem...
6 November 2008 15:49
Salem everybody !

Here is a not my personal experience but that of my friend's online dating that developped into marriage .

She met him about 4months ago and visually met him on a regular basis as they live close to each other.

They both fell in love but the girl couldn't see him as often as they both wanted. Therfeore, he asked her to marry him at first place on a "hallal basis", which they did 2weeks ago.

The thing is that the girl is still leaving at her parents' , and she waits for the official weedding to go and leave with her husband. The guy is disappointed cause he thought he could take her and go out with her without worries as she is in the eyes of Gog her wife.

He finally agreed to have a proper civil weedding with a proper ceremony, this is planned for next month..

Well, this story illustrates that everything is possible in terms of on line dating, at the end of the day it is a person that you could have met in other circumtances, the only thing you have to be careful is to be sure to actually meet the person and not only talk on the phone, net etc..

my friend's story went a bit too fast for me, i strongly recommend to take a minimum of time and to meet someone leaving in your place...

Good luck anyway !
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6 November 2008 16:37
Hi Sbou3

I don't see any problems with online dating, there is a good and bad people everywhere you go, its just a matter of luck.
For people that live oversea its not a bad idea since there is not a lot of other ways to meet and especially for those who works a lot and don't have a time to go out and meet others.
My best friend met his wife on line, they are very happy and they just had a cute a little boy couple weeks ago.
So Sebou3 take the chance my dear and don't be afraid, good luck "Al khirou fi makhtarah allah,allah ma3ak"

16 November 2008 21:21
salam alaikom
I got to say one thing! internet is just a way to meet the person, the first step to take through a long relationgship... the other steps are very important, like meeting her, getting to know her, her family, where she lives, how she is etc...
but i prefer internet, than meeting people on the street lol
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